
Thursday 7 July 2022

King Boris Kaput

Well Britain's colourful Prime Minister Boris Johnson has resigned.

Boris Johnson - A Colourful Prime Minister
Boris Johnson - A Colourful Prime Minister

I suppose it was always going to end this way, as his personality was not one to just retire after a quiet premiership.

In many ways he was, like Neville Chamberlain in 1939, just a bit unlucky in the timing of his term as Prime Minister, in that he had two world shaking events to contend with. Both of which were out of his control. The Covid crisis and the Russian invasion of the Ukraine.

These two events have caused the world economy to stagger, and set off rising inflation and a worldwide cost of living crisis that no UK government could have foreseen just 4 years ago. But in point of fact I think his biggest problem was really the constraints of public office. They just were something Boris found difficult to adhere to, a life long issue that has been noted in his previous terms in office, and even in his private sector employments.

This was just as evident in the highest political office in the land .... for instance lockdowns ran against every fibre of his philosophical being, as was seen by his eventual fine for breaching those very lockdown rules that had been set by his own government.

The other problem was being truthful in matters that he didn't think should be of importance to anyone ... the bread and butter tasks that make up the role of government minister. The drip, drip, dripping out of the truth, whenever he got caught making little white lies over breaking the lockdown, and then there was the Chris Pincher Affair; where Boris denied being told of serious allegations of sex behaviour by Mr Pincher, before appointing him as Government chief whip  ... you can only say that you 'forgot' or 'mis-remembered' so many times before it becomes unbelievable.

It fact it was this issue that caused him to lose political support from his Cabinet members. They just couldn't continue to go out and defend these statements in public, only to be made to look like fools when Boris finally admitted the truth a week or so later.

So he was eventually the author of his own demise ... in many ways a very gifted man with a wide political vision, but cursed with a lack of common political sense and attention to the details and the small things that make up the foundations of that vision. 

Personally I will miss him, as I suspect some boring Starmer type will take over, and our politics will be a very much duller affair.

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