
Friday 15 July 2022

Its A Fair Point

This classified newspaper advert .....

Classified Joke Love Advert
Classified As A Joke .....

..... was a joke birthday present in India between a brother, and his sisters best friend for his unmarried sister who was turning 30.

Using a fake name and email account set up just for its responses it was a jokey way to try and find her a rich spouse for her personality type.

So it claimed to be looking for "a non-farting, non-burping, handsome, rich feminist" man, for "an opinionated feminist with short hair and piercings" ... it went viral after a celebrity actress/comedienne commentated on it on her Twitter account.

As you might guess in a deeply misogynist society like India, or as the BBC likes to describe it 'a country steeped in patriarchy' (a bit like Muslim nations are always described by the BBC as 'deeply conservative,' instead of socially backward), the ad attracted some hateful email responses (as well as some praise).

The more polite of the negative emails described the advert girl as a "gold digger", "toxic", or even as her sounding 'fat' ... as "all feminists are idiots". But one woman (no sisterhood here) threatened that her brother (presumably the writers), would "throw her off the 78th floor".

This is because in a land where sexual assaults on women such as groping, or crude suggestions (or even rape) are often called 'eve teasing', the term 'feminism' is often thought to be something of a dirty word, and feminists are often thought of as being 'men-hating, licentious women' - by both men, and sometimes by women as well.

Posters Lightened In India
Top Original - Every Man Has Fair Skin
Bottom - How They Should Look

But what struck me about the story was the other classified adverts around the joke one. They were from other 'real' women looking for partners .... they all described themselves as 'beautiful' or 'B'ful', which I suppose is a fair enough white lie on these sorts of adverts worldwide. 

Indian Film Stars Often Have Very 'Fair' Skins
Indian Film Stars Often Have Very 'Fair' Skins

But look at how many describe their complexion (skin colour) as 'fair'. In a UK and USA where advertisers are falling over themselves to show that they agree with Black Lives Matter (BLM), and display their Woke credentials, by displaying black faces in every TV advert, or having black voice overs on every radio advert, it just illustrates that the non-white world sees these concerns as non issues. 

Some Indian Filmstars  Could Pass As Europeans
Italian Or Indian Beauty?

As we have discussed in a previous post, in India (and much of Africa and Asia), fair skin is what classes as beautiful in a woman, and to some extent men as well .... so perhaps the tag WLM has a place after all ... just not here.

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