
Friday 6 January 2023

Dangerous People In The UK

We in Britain harbour some very dangerous individuals and groups .....

Fake Refugee Claims
Genuine Refugee??

..... often for reasons that appear at best flimsy, and at worst non existent. 

Take for example the group Cage, a Muslim advocacy organisation, which focuses on Muslim detainees who are held as part of the 'War on Terror' and to "empower communities impacted by the War on Terror" .... many consider them to be little more than "apologists for terrorism".

Another is Hani al-Seba'i an Egyptian asylum seeker in London who claims he was persecuted as a lawyer for the Muslim Brotherhood (an organisation classed as a terrorist group by the US Government). He has milked our welfare benefits system since day one of his arrival in 1994 and was refused asylum in 1998 .... When journalists asked him why he was living in London on welfare benefits ... he laughingly replied “Ask David Cameron, don’t ask me.” (referring to the then UK's Prime Minister).

He has been repeatedly identified as a key influencer and supporter of al-Qaeda and is used as a scholarly reference by the movement as well as being a member of the terrorist group Egyptian Islamic Jihad. His preachings were also claimed to be an influence on the 2015 beach massacre in Tunisia

Reportedly he has been living on between £48 - 50,000 a year in handouts, and disability living allowance (he claims to be severely disabled and that he could not walk without severe discomfort and needed help with washing and getting dressed), with his wife and five children. He later had his disability benefits cut, when he was filmed walking about freely outside his £1 million house on a leafy street in fashionable West London W6.

Hani al-Seba'i and Rimi Rima Karaki in 2015
Hani al-Seba'i and Rimi Rima Karaki in 2015 ....

His other claim to fame (apart from foiling deportation attempts for 15 years, during which time he has received £123,000 in legal aid, which paid for representation by top human-rights lawyers), is that he appeared on a Lebanese TV show with female presenter Rima Karaki in 2015 when she attempted to stop him giving a lecture on Christian groups who had joined Islamic groups in fights e.g Red Brigade, Carlos the Jackal et al. He told her that it was "It's beneath me to be interviewed by you. You are a human who …" She terminated the interview - a mistranslation initially said it was beneath him to be interviewed by a 'woman'.

What ties these two together is that Cage had earlier carried an interview from Egyptian lawyer Muntasir al-Zayyat praising al-Seba'i's 'purity and refinement' .... mind you a Cage director had also described Mohammed Emwazi (aka 'Jihadi John') as 'an extremely kind and gentle man'. 

Britain grants asylum to between 65 - 85% of all asylum claims processed (and that is pitifully low e.g. Of the 65 - 70,000 channel crossers of the last 2 years, just 4% have been asylum processed with 85% of those allowed to stay ..... even those who have had claims turned down elsewhere in Europe .... and we wonder what the magnet is to get to Britain!!!), while France only accepts around 25% of claimants as genuine asylum claims (most of those failed claimants, then move on to Britain by illegally crossing the channel).

European Asylum Approval Rates
European Asylum Approval Rates

Successive UK governments have not devoted enough resources to making quick and firm asylum decisions -  this is confirmed in the comparative figures from Europe.

  • In 2021, the UK authorities made decisions on just 22,890 first-time applications and granted 14,690 of them - 64%.
  • France, a country with a population similar to the UK's, made 137,015 decisions, granting 33,875 of them - 25%.
  • Germany made 132,680 asylum decisions, granting 59,850 - 45%.

We reap what we sow ....

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