
Friday 6 January 2023

Trope Of The Year

2022 will be remembered for a lot of things ......

Lazy casting, makes Black Male Detective And White Female Partner a Trope?
Black Male Detective And White
Female Partner .... Now A Trope?

..... The War in the Ukraine, and The Cost Of Living Crisis, amongst many things.

But the one thing that no one seems to be brave enough to mention, is the total eradication of white males from TV adverts and many TV / Radio shows. The UK is apparently now best illustrated by a black male, with a white (preferably blonde, but not compulsory) female partner (and their black children if its an advert aimed at families).

Advertisers Prefer White Females With Black Males
Advertisers Preferred Male Female Pairings?

Oh, there are variations on this theme, such as the white lesbian, with her black lesbian partner, or the two lifelong 'besties' of different ethnicity (usually black and white), or the white person whose neighbours, friends and work colleagues are all black ..... but invariably the white male has gone. 

Even Best Friends Have To Be Interracial
TV 'Besties' Have To Be Different Races

The white males do occasionally appear, usually as the overweight buffoon to be mocked (as you can't easily mock any ethnic minority person), but otherwise, only the European made adverts display white males in a normal or positive light.

The Advertisers Desired Relationship Image
The Advertisers Desired Relationship Image

Now we all know why the 'creatives' (as these advertising cretins like to describe themselves), are all following this trope, its because of years of the alt-left's relentless campaigns to demonise white males. Campaigns which were accelerated, after a white police officer in the USA killed a black male with a criminal record during an arrest, by using unnecessary and fatal force. A killing which sparked off the BLM movement .... So in a fit of wokeness, all the advertising agencies and mainstream TV companies in the UK fell over themselves to black up their advertising TV output .... and so they dropped white males left, right, and centre.

To be fair, the trend had actually been well under way as far back as 2017, when The Times newspaper reported that under PC pressure, and in fear of legal issues, advertisers were ‘so worried about being accused of racism or homophobia’ that they were shying away from using images of white people and particularly of straight white heterosexual couples. 500 Advertisers questioned by Shutterstock, confirmed that they had used fewer white models and heterosexuals, and that they had taken this approach to ‘prevent perceived discrimination’.

The situation has worsened since then, with some ethnic minorities now vastly over-represented in television adverts, and many TV shows over the past 12 months. The vast majority of ethnic-minority Britons live in places with sizeable, or near majority ethnic-minority population areas, such as London, Birmingham, Manchester, or Leicester, Bradford, Oldham and Burnley ... elsewhere, not so much, or not at all. Similarly the majority of the minority LGBT groups are concentrated in our bigger cities, but are not in any sense anything like a majority in any area (apart maybe part of Brighton), but the rest of Britain only has gay individuals and the odd pub/club which they favour.

Yet according to The Times newspaper report, half the advertisers said ‘they were using fewer white people because they no longer represented “modern society”' .... what?? White people don't represent modern society Britain? This shows what madness PC Wokeness has introduced in to the brains of the metro-centric (London) advertising agencies.

If all adverts now appeal only to the inner London population and a few of the larger cities, but leave the rest of us cold, then that's the advertisers prerogative .... but as the majority of the country now deemed as unrepresentative of “modern society,” are actually are the majority of the population, then the advertisers clients are losing vast numbers of the possible consumers .... But this tokenism is the advertising agencies prerogative, as is their virtue signalling ... however if it loses customers, then its both costly and self-defeating. 

Super Woke Adverts Are On Trend
Super Woke/Inclusive Adverts ....

One of the worst offenders for this in my opinion are McCain's, whose 'we are family' adverts are now so 'inclusive' that they make me immediately scrabble for the TV remote control, before I feel the urge to throw up. But in fact virtually all the adverts in the UK pander to this 'inclusiveness' propaganda at the moment. 

Death Planning - Only A White Preoccupation?
Death Planning - Only A White Preoccupation?

Oddly, the only exception to this relentless tide of woke/BLM/inclusiveness advertising, seems to be the daytime funeral fund TV adverts, where its virtually all older white actors ... but that's presumably because they are aimed specifically at a market that is perceived to be of no great interest to any other groups, but that of the middle-class whites of a certain age?

Of course there is also another group largely ignored by advertisers .... the Muslim Asians. They are 6.5% of the population, but are perhaps not deemed to be as thoroughly integrated as other groups are with the rest of Britain, and both their religion and 'cultural' ideas, contain views not deemed inclusive (such banning LGBT behaviours, or the treatment of women as second class chattels), and that don't entirely gel with the 'inclusivity' message/propaganda that is being beamed across the nation by advertisers. 

Woman Not Showing Armpits In Underarm Soap Advert
Difficult To Place Some Groups In Some Adverts

So for example you couldn't show a Muslim woman married to a non Muslim man (let alone kissing  anyone), nor with her head uncovered, or with bare skin, nor in a lesbian relationship, they are all an absolute No No, and probably guaranteed to produce a violent bearded mob on the streets. So advertisers tend to steer clear of them, except occasionally and somewhat awkwardly, e.g. as a Habib wearing, fully clothed figure in a women's product advert for an under arm soap (where all the other women in the advert show their armpits off proudly, and no one cares).

Now if you think I am making too much of this, well the topic came up in the pub amongst a group of white males (we weren't in part of what advertisers now deem as 'modern society' Britain i.e. London), and everyone had noticed this going on, and all had noted what was deemed as the 'reverse racism' being perpetrated by advertising agencies, and media makers such as the BBC, ITV, and even radio producers. I don't know what pandering to one or two minority groups gets the advertisers and their clients, but I can confirm that they are actively alienating the one group with the most money in the UK ... so pretty dumb. 

Part of the issue is the sloppy wording in the UK's current ‘hate crime’ legislation, in which anyone who claims that they have ‘perceived’ discrimination or racism (including in adverts), can raise a complaint that the police have to investigate .... oddly, no one seems to care if straight white males perceive any racism or discrimination against them, in being omitted from advertisers idea of “modern society,” and thus losing jobs on TV shows or in adverts.

Oh and just for context, according to the Office of National Statistics (ONS) latest estimates (census 2021), the English and Welsh population is 81.7% white, 9.3% are Asian (6.5% Muslim), and just 4.0% as Black (Africans now outnumbering Caribbean's). The ONS also reports that just 3.1% of the UK population aged 16 years and over, identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB) in 2020 ....

So which bit of their “modern society” do the advertisers think they are really selling to?  

Addendum 08/01: 

So relentless is the tide that even the FA Cup adheres to the 'new normal' couple ....

Football Association Adhere To The New Normal Couple
The New Normal Couple .....

Its seemingly unstoppable now ....

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