
Friday 20 January 2023

Another 'Gay' Plague?

Was or Is Monkeypox another 'gay plague'? ....

Monkeypox Is A Mild Skin Disease
Monkeypox Is A Mild Skin Disease

...its  a skin disease the causes painful skin lesions, that usually clears up on its own, but not always. 

The latest outbreak started in Nigeria (where it is endemic), and most of the confirmed cases outside that country, have been among homosexual men having bodily contact with other men. The virus can enter the body through broken skin, the respiratory tract or through the eyes, nose, mouth or anus but symptoms are usually mild and clear up on their own within three weeks.

Being Touched By Monkeys Is Unlikely To Transmit Monkeypox
More Than One Way To Catch Monkeypox
Is Claimed .... This Isn't One Of Them

Nigeria, blames the latest outbreak, which started in 2017 on the practice of eating 'bushmeat', which is one way of describing it I guess. The animals that its said can pass on the virus, are often infected rodents, including rats and squirrels, and in June 2022 the Nigerian government banned the sale of bushmeat as a precaution, to try and stop the spread of the monkeypox. Yeah, right, so that explains how it flew out of Nigeria to Europe and the USA etc, all places where bushmeat are also eaten ... not.

This black African reluctance to admit to homosexuality in their societies, often threatens their own fragile health systems, but its also a cultural denial of reality that affects other cultures as well. So now that the monkey is out of the cage, so to speak, countries that had hardly heard of the illness (which prior to 2017 had been largely restricted to southern Nigeria), are having to deal with outbreaks.

The US has seen more than 1,800 cases so far, but this is thought to be several thousand below the true figures as it can take up to three weeks for symptoms to appear and the testing has lagged. In the UK, the vast majority of cases in England are in men who are gay, or bisexual, with the latter group probably being the transmitters to their unsuspecting female partners or the other family members of those men. UKHSA said links to gay bars, saunas and the use of dating apps such as Grindr in the UK and abroad, have been identified as spread sources in some cases so far, with the majority of the infected being men mostly aged between 20 to 49.

As of late December 2022, 21,094 cases have been confirmed and reported from 29 EU/EEA countries alone, with many more worldwide. There are vaccines against monkeypox, such as Imvanex, available, but its not clear if you can get the condition more than once. The transmission rates have declined since last summer .... but this was once again a warning of how easily diseases can spread amongst human populations, and particularly amongst groups who have a lot of casual sexual partners.

AIDS - A Warning From History
AIDS - A Warning From History

We seem to have forgotten the lessons of the HIV outbreak in the 1980's, and the damage that wreaked up until drugs were developed that controlled the death rates. We still have around 105,000 people living with the HIV virus in the UK and millions more worldwide. We need to take these outbreaks of diseases more seriously .....

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