
Friday 13 January 2023

Face Of A Monster

Marat Imashev, was a 49 year old ex-convict ....

Face Of A Monster
Marat Imashev - Face Of A Monster

...... who had been freed from prison in Russia after already serving a total of 28 years in jail for crimes including; murder, rape (with more than 10 attacks on women), robbery, and fraud   ... a total monster.

He took to illegal taxi driving as an extra income in Yekaterinburg in Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia .... but reformed he was not. It was in that fake taxi driver role that his path crossed with Alexandra Inshina, a 35-year-old single mother to a 10-year-old boy, on the early hours of Sunday the 6th of June 2021. 

Victim Of A Monster
Alexandra Inshina - A Life Taken Too Early

Described as a "successful sales manager" at a car parts plant in Berezovsky, a town about 6 km north east of Yekaterinburg, at 01:30 she was at the late night pub, an English-themed all-night pub in Yekaterinburg called the 'Rosy Jane,' alone, she had ordered a taxi which didn't turn up, so at 03:00 Ms Inshina had texted her boyfriend, who hadn't responded, and at 05:00 Alexandra left with a male acquaintance to find a taxi, and they were approached by Marat Imashev in a car outside the pub, where he was claiming to be a taxi driver. The male companion, unsuspectingly put her in the 'taxi'.

Rosy Jane Pub Yekaterinburg
Rosy Jane Pub Yekaterinburg

He drove her to a quiet spot, and thirty minutes later Alexandra Inshina had been stabbed six times, with her hands tied behind her back ... its not reported if she was raped or if just robbery was the motive. It would be two days before her body was discovered among nettles and bushes in woods about 25 miles away.

When Imashev was caught, he initially claimed that he had dropped Alexandra off at a cafe, but later, after police made him take a polygraph test which he failed, he confessed to stealing her jewellery and stabbing her to help pay off debts of around £2,000. He pleaded guilty to murder in a trial that began on 7 April 2022. Asked by a journalist how he felt, he replied "I repent" and turned away .... given his history, he's only sorry he was caught.

However Sverdlovsk region police spokesman Vitaly Gorelykh said "The suspect twice returned to the place where he hid the body, to make sure that she did not survive." ... After signing his confession, Imashev tried to take his own life stabbing the pen into his neck, causing a non fatal wound, said police. He will get a life sentence when convicted (he has already confessed, and pleaded guilty, so the verdict is a forgone conclusion).

Lady Justice Should See The Truth
Lady Justice Should Not Be Always Blind

What's disturbing is that with such a record of violence already, he wasn't still locked up for those crimes ... it seems that its not just in the West, where justice fails to protect the public from monsters ... and a small boy lost his mother, because lady justice can't spot the face of a monster.

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