
Saturday 21 November 2009

Another Day, Another Stoning

Once again the Mullahs have shown the world what "Sharia" really means, with reports that a 20-year-old woman divorcee who was convicted of committing adultery in Somalia, has been stoned to death by Islamists in front of a crowd of about 200 people. We have to assume that the Koranic required 'four witnesses' were found (or is that only when a woman's raped?).

It is totally beyond me how any rational people can continue to defend this 'religion' ...... its backward looking and beyond the norms of the civilised world. Oh, the 'boyfriend'? He was given a public flogging, but wasn't killed. This is the fourth reported stoning in Somalia this year (and to be fair it has included a man, and the pregnant woman has been spared the stoning until after she gives birth).

We move ever closer to this being accepted as of equal cultural value to western liberal values.

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