Sunday, 3 May 2009
How the Saudis hate their women!
How the Saudis hate their women, in Saudi Arabia women are banned from driving, must wear a head-to-toe cloak when out in public, and must obtain permission from a male relative to work, travel, study or marry or can be married off by their fathers.
But all that that's not enough .... oh no, not for these beard loving fellas, so they have decided to close women's gym's. Afterall we don't want women doing anything unsupervised by men, so many women-only sports clubs and gyms in Saudi Arabia, now face closure under a government clampdown on unlicensed premises which they claim is for health reasons.
If the Ms Harman's, Blears and Smith's of this world want to create a new social order (as had been reported), then maybe they should look at what they are likely to be ushering in, when they have finished destroying the "white males".
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Dreamberry Wine Cover
I find it peculiar that certain kinds of women are apparently so conscious of 'not offending black or brown people that they just ignore their faults.
ReplyDeleteThey seem to get off on attacking their own race and culture, even though its those same 'white men' who built the world that they are free to 'spout off in' ..... no doubt when they need defending against mass conversion to Islam or some other creed they will turn back to those same 'white males'.
Hi There, probabaly you are right, there seems to be a ceratin element of the left who loath their own culture and roots.
ReplyDeleteIts odd really because with out these roots they would have no freedom or rights (one look at Islamic and African traditional cultures show that to be true).