Sunday, 31 August 2008
Real Madrid - Spanish Hypocrite's
Now every club practises these dark arts to some extent, but never quite to the level that Real Madrid practise - this year they have spent three months trying to force Manchester United to 'let Cristiano Ronaldo follow his dream and come the Real Madrid (on the cheap)' .... this interest only petered out a week or so ago, but has now so unsettled the player and the Manchester United board, that he is likely to leave next summer, despite being under contract until 2012.
Its not as though Real Madrid are the only suitor for Ronaldo, Italian giants Lazio for example would be keen, and it would be a sellers market if Man Utd decided to cash in.
Ramon Calderon the Real President has been talking about all of his clubs dealings, and now claims it was all a misunderstanding - however that's not why I am writing this article. Its the funny sight of Real Madrid, finding that the boot is very uncomfortable when its on the other foot!!
One of their stars, Robinho, has been approached by mega rich Chelsea FC, and despite Real saying he is staying, the player has publicly called a press conference today and told them that he wants to go to Chelsea and not stay at Real Madrid .... and of course Real Madrid are furious with official club site denouncements of both the player and Chelsea.
Heres the statement in full (in case the link dies):
"Real Madrid believes all its attention should be paid exclusively to tonight's important official match. This criteria has been completely ignored by the player Robinho with the announcements he made just hours prior to the game.
Concerning Robinho's comments, the Club once again stresses the contents of a previous official announcement, in which it said it would have no other choice but to accept a unilateral resolution of the player's contract if he willed it so.
Real Madrid CF deeply regrets the behaviour of Chelsea FC Board Members who, despite knowing Real Madrid's negative to transfer the player, have continued to make gestures and announcements that reached their peak with the selling of Robinho Chelsea shirts through the club's official website. All this has complicated the situation further and confused the public."
Funny how its wrong when a club do it to Real Madrid, but OK for them to do it to Manchester United or any club they feel able to destabilise..... of course Chelsea are a richer club and can offer more salaries so Real feel intimidated when Chelsea come a calling.
I don't know what the Spanish word is for Hypocrites (it may even be the same word), but Calderon should look it up.
Australia's "Big Dry"
Always something of a joke, Australians have often played on the 'parched' thirst jokes e.g.
Its so dry in Australia that .....
However for the last decade, Australia has been living through the "Big Dry" - the most severe drought in a century. This has reached the point where the very ecosystem is in danger of collapse across large areas of Australia and is having far reaching social consequences.
Maybe the most surprising, is that despite their reputation for water shortages, Australia has so far refused to recycle water for drinking i.e. they only use recycled water for agriculture, and not for drinking.
Well guess what, they are going to have to use water properly, like the rest of the world - drinking water shortages are the biggest threat to humanity and for one continent to act as though it isn't affected, is plainly daft.
Recycled effluent water is not straight from the sewers, and then back into the drinking supply .... its a process like this...
- Waste water is pumped into a clarifier
- After passing through filters it is then disinfected with UV light
- The water is then pumped into rivers or lakes, to be taken back into the water supply later as part of the natural cycle.
Aussies, remember that your river water has
- Dead fish,
- Dead animals
- Animal and fish faeces,
- Industrial waste, and
- Pesticides
in it, before you treat it and drink it ..... how can human waste make that worse?
Saturday, 30 August 2008
Cane Toads Australian Invasions Halted?
At the time it looked as though nothing could stop them, and I even entered into correspondence with scientists in Australia who were trying to control them .... I was interested in the story and their plans.
Anyway, this week came some good news, some parts of Australia maybe 'too cold' or 'too dry' for the Cane Toads to advance into these areas. This story on the BBC, offers hope that some areas may survive the Cane Toad invasion and allow scientists a chance to develop control methods.
However a note of warning, the toads have proved very adaptable so far, and may yet find away around difficulties e.g. accidental introductions bypassing natural barriers or even local wet periods, or warm spells temporarily removing the obstacles.
The danger still remains that they will get into the major river systems in the south of the continent, or the permanent water sources like those in the West MacDonnell Ranges and the Pilbara in the interior and adapt to local colder water conditions (after all, turtles manage to do this in the UK and are now thriving).
But its still some good news for the local wildlife and may yet prove to be a temporary answer for some areas, but somehow I suspect this adaptable invader may yet find a way past this obstacle.
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Compulsory Black Slavery Classes in UK
Wednesday, 27 August 2008
Georgia actions linked to Kosovo
And in fact the link had been made in the Caucuses last January, when the Kososvo decision was being considered by the EU and US. Russia repeated this warning in February, and so we should not be surprised by what has now happened, certainly this blogger isn't - see our discussion of December 2007 .
The die has been cast for another round of wars in both the Balkans and the Caucuses, by these Russian declarations of support for separatist ethnic movements, just when these two benighted regions, looked to have a good democratic future in the EU.
PC politics by Western politicians will never replace "Realpolitik" in the world.
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Edinburgh Festival a Photo Montage
This man is trying to hawk tickets .....
A Japanese mime artist
Thursday, 21 August 2008
Just another war criminal
The blog attracted a "friend" of one of the men on the Simon Wiesenthal Centre list of 'most wanted Nazi's' .... he was Harry Mannil, who this anonymous commenter said, was being falsely accused and hounded by being included on this centre's list.
However another member of the list was not disputed by anyone:
Number [9] Karoly (Charles) Zentai (Age 85) Location: Australia Zentai participated in manhunts, persecution, and murder of Jews in Budapest in 1944. Status: discovered in 2004, Hungary has issued an international arrest warrant against him and has asked for his extradition from Australia, Zentai is currently appealing.
Well today came the news that he is to be extradited from Australia, and it will be interesting to see what standard of evidence can be brought to court after all this time. As I have said, I am not happy that fair trials are guaranteed after this length of time, or even that 'functionaries' such as Mr Mannil is alleged to be, should be prosecuted as 'war criminals'.
Still my opinion counts for nothing, as illustrated above, in the meantime the hunt goes on for others on the list, such as SS doctor Aribert Heim.
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
Edinburgh Comedy Fringe
I have good friends there, and any visits is both an excuse to see these friends, and visit a city I love. I saw a number of shows which I list in no order "1.Sammy J in the Forest of Dreams", 2."Ha Ha Hamlet!", 3."Umbrage Swain & The Magical Diamond of Ramtutiti", 4."The Golden Age of Magic", 5."The Axis of Awesome Comeback Spectacular", and 6."The Return of the Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre" .... the best of these were easily 1, 3, 5 and 6 and my personal favorite was .... well 3 and 6.
If forced into a corner, despite strong competition from the "Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre", the fact is that I was kissed by the incredibly beautiful and talented Millie Reeves from the cast of "Umbrage Swain & The Magical Diamond of Ramtutiti", which means that its a show I will remember for a LONG TIME ! I got the kiss, and free tickets for her show, for offering her a chair whilst I was in a "Don Quixote" mode in the Underbelly bar, which only shows that being nice has its own rewards!
I will blog on Edinburgh later (with Pictures!!!), but I will leave the last word in support of Umbrage Swain & The Magical Diamond of Ramtutiti, which is a hidden gem of a show, well acted and written, and with two talented and beautiful girls, ably supported by three funny guys ..... my surprise hit for Edfringe 2008
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
UK Railways After Deregulation
However on Saturday whilst travelling to Edinburgh (Scotland), I was forced to use a Northern Rail train for part of the journey. Now I have been forced to get on their mix'n'match old rolling stock before, and suffered along with all the others in being squashed in to seats with inadequate leg room, and dirty surroundings. But this train on Saturday was a new low even for this particular service.
It was partially vandalised, and there was chewing gum on the seat covers, the internal doors were all jammed open, and the windows were either jammed open, or jammed closed. I was so taken aback, that I took some pictures, just from the one seat, I was faced with dirt, breakages and vandalism.
Here as illustration that every word is true are a few pictures ...... they speak far more eloquently than anything I can say ......

Vandalised Seats and broken storage racks .........

Thursday, 14 August 2008
USA...... Habla Usted Español Signor?
Well something of a Bombshell on the demographic front today .......
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US Population Predictions |
...... White America is being replaced as the dominant group in the US, by a combination of Hispanics, Asians and Blacks!
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Olympic non events
It appears that every few years there is a Mark Spitz or Ian Thorpe or .... well the list goes on, and it occurs to me that the reason for this, is because there is no longer any difference between the 50 metre freestyle, and the 1500 metre freestyle, so the guy who is fast at one, can be fast at them all, which is why one good swimmer can win everything they enter.
Maybe its time to really cut back on the distances on offer e.g. 100m, 400m and 1500m only?
There is one other area of the Olympics where golds are like confetti, and that is Gymnastics, where every thing from prancing about with a stick and ribbon, to crashing headlong into a wooden 'horse', qualifies as an Olympic sport. The worst of this is that its "judged" subjectively i.e. the 'judges' vote for the Russian, or the US etc etc based upon who knows what criteria, with no way for the layman to know who is really the best.
The only way to sort out the Gymnastics, is to only have one Gold medal awarded after all the little events (that currently get a gold), and then give the Gold to the Gymnast who has the best aggregate points. At least that removes the fluke element that one event can currently have, and if you stopped the five leading nations from the last Olympics having a judge at the current Olympics, a lot of the politics is removed as well.
The whole Olympic list of events is littered with Gold Medals that are not true sporting tests, and often favour feats of winning multiple medals that are not feasible in proper events.
I cite as examples of this
Funny Sports
- LARISSA LATYNINA - Gymnast (Nine golds out of 18 Olympic Medals)
- NADIA COMANECI - Gymnast (Five golds out of 9 Olympic Medals )
- MARK SPITZ - Swimmer (Nine golds out of 11 Olympic Medals)
Real Sports
- Sir Steven Redgrave - Rowing (Five golds out of 5 Olympic games and 6 Olympic Medals)
- Al Oerter - Discus (Four golds out of 4 Olympic games )
Saturday, 9 August 2008
When Non Democrats show their colours
In South Africa supporters of Jacob Zuma have threatened unrest if he is jailed for corruption ... they are not prepared to accept the law when they don't like it, nor to accept democratic norms as binding on them if they don't fit their agenda. Similarly President Mbeki has been accused of corruption as well ..... and no one expects the 'rule of law' to cause him any real problems.
Compare and contrast with Israel where Prime Minister Olmert is actively investigated by the Police and this is how the only true democracy in the Middle East or Africa behaves.
And back home in the UK, the followers of the 'Green' movement said that they would 'break the law' to stop a legally approved power station being built. In fact weapon stashes have been found by the police deposited in the nearby woods. The Greens and others deny any connection with them (of course).... but if you get in bed with the devil, your can't complain about the company!
The connection between these two sets of events, is that in both cases, the democratic "Rule of Law" is just ignored by groups who feel that their opinion is the only one that 'is above the law'.
It comes as no real surprise that supporters of an arrogant African politician, are proved to be 'anti-democrats' and prepared to ignore the 'rule of law', but for a main stream political party, such as the 'Greens', to be exposed as supporting actions, yet again, where illegal activities are used as 'legitimate tactics', is a disgrace.
Where are the rights of the policemen and women who are scarred and maimed by medieval throwing weapons in this green agenda, or is it like all those little 'trots' in the 1980's, open season on violence against any one who is not 'one of them'?
The 'Greens' are far too often caught in the company of 'Animal liberation Front' supporters, and the rent a mob of unemployed, 'New Age' thugs who accompany all the violence at 'Green' rallies, to be able to continually say 'its not us' or 'its a set up' ........
The fact is that the 'Greens' are the 'moderate middle class' face of a movement, that's basically violence based, with no respect for the 'rule of law' (where it doesn't involve the welfare benefit payments, which many of them require from our 'legally obtained' taxes), and certainly not in 'democratically obtained permissions' such as 'planning permission', which all buildings in the UK require.
This power station will have taken years to get permission, and the 'Greens' will have used the 'legal process' to oppose or slow the permission process down, but when the decision goes against them, they ignore all this process, and proceed to use a mob to try and stop the building, despite the fact that real locals depend upon it for jobs and survival.
Of course plunging Britain into darkness to support green fascism is all part of the plan for many of them, and to make people unemployed is no issue, they can just live on 'welfare' like many of the green mob do.
I repeat again ..... "When you get in bed with the devil, your can't complain about the company!"
I am no longer willing to listen to the Greens, or their supporters, until they totally repudiate all violence (like Gandhi), and accept that if the "Rule of Law" isn't upheld, than only the "law of the jungle" is left.
South Ossetia, Kosovos bastard child
The news of fighting between, Georgia, Russia and Ossetian nationalists has broken very quickly this week, and most of the world seems surprised ....
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South Ossetia |
but in fact British Intelligence apparently predicted the likelihood of a "European" war in the Caucuses this year.
Thursday, 7 August 2008
MP3 players - Bane of Western Life
- Their choice in music is so sublime. that we all want to hear the bits that spill out from their empty heads, so put they the volume on full.
- That empty vessels do need filling, so put they the volume on full to wipe out any thoughts that they may have had when their two brain cells accidentally bumped into each other.
- That the consideration of other people is for others to show them not for them to show to others.
Just another example of the destruction of civil (in all senses of the word), society in the UK, and maybe beyond.
We are now seeing the flowering of the full bloom of New Labours youths .... those who have grown up solely under the New Labour education system and society.
- They have never been told "No",
- Have never been given corporal punishment, and
- display no respect for anyone or anything apart from "My Human Rights" .... a mantra they squeal whenever anyone occasionally challenges their aberrant behaviour
It maybe that this decline is across the whole Anglo-Saxon world, which is uniquely infected by PC lawyers and politicians, but I can only comment on the UK, which is full of feral thugs spilling out of the 'sinkhole estates' and into the wider society.
The casual violence, Chav TV stars, drunken assaults on foreign country's and general 'dumbing down' of the last 15 or so years, has resulted in the UK being the least civilised and worst educated country in Europe .... or maybe I should says 'remaining' the least civilised and worst educated country in Europe.
Sunday, 3 August 2008
Energy blackouts for the UK?
Our Nuclear sites need replacing, and most of our coal /gas burning generators are coming to the end of their natural life and need replacing with more efficient models. However we sold our last nuclear power plant builders to the Japanese for a knockdown £2.8 billion (to fill a little gap in the NHS finances) and only the French can bail us out, but they don't want to without a massive bribe.
When those first power cuts hit the UK, and we are paying vast amounts for whatever dribbles of gas and oil that our EU 'partners' will allow us, then the Labour government will have completed its destruction of the UK ...... no mean trick inside 14 years .... from fourth best world economy, to the same energy problems as an African state.
Lazy Bastards Drug
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The Anti Fat Pill Had Just One BIG Problem |
Stalking As A Defence Plea
A man, Barry George, who was convicted of murder 8 years ago has been freed because he "Couldn't have killed the woman he was accused of killing because he was too busy stalking another victim".
Only in the brave new world of the PC driven west, can a defence be that the accused was too busy harassing another woman, to have taken the time to killed the one he was accused of murdering. As usual in these cases, you find on closer examination that a piece of forensic evidence (in this case gun shot residue on his clothes) was ruled as inadmissible at the retrial, so the verdict alters ..... the police won't be looking for anyone else, which about sums up what's happened.
This man will try to get 'compensation' despite being a known and persistent 'stalker of women', whilst the family of the victim (a well known media personality), will never get closure on the terrible event. You can hardly make these stories up.
Update: His claims for compensation for £1.4 million for wrongful imprisonment were eventually dismissed at great expense in the courts. However he did get undisclosed damages from the UK press. No one else has ever been charged with Ms Dando's murder.
The Voice of the Taliban
This is not new news as the reports were originally written in February but I was struck on how quiet our Dhimmi government is on the fact that British passport holders are travelling abroad to kill British (non Muslim) soldiers.
I tried to think how we would have reacted in less PC driven times ... Churchill put all those of German or Italian descent in the UK, into camps for the duration of the war, and whilst I think that would be a step too far, it surely isn't unreasonable to promise to hang (as traitors) any UK Muslim captured in Afghanistan and Iraq, regardless of the excuses.
Furthermore I would strip their families of their UK passports and deport them all to the country where their son was captured and hung..... they want a Muslim paradise, let them live in one.
A real threat to themselves and the benefit (welfare) cheque lifestyle of their families, might just make these little fucks think twice.
Most Visited Posts In Last 30 Days
Blog Archive
- Real Madrid - Spanish Hypocrite's
- Australia's "Big Dry"
- Cane Toads Australian Invasions Halted?
- Compulsory Black Slavery Classes in UK
- Georgia actions linked to Kosovo
- Edinburgh Festival a Photo Montage
- Just another war criminal
- Edinburgh Comedy Fringe
- UK Railways After Deregulation
- USA...... Habla Usted Español Signor?
- Olympic non events
- When Non Democrats show their colours
- South Ossetia, Kosovos bastard child
- MP3 players - Bane of Western Life
- Energy blackouts for the UK?
- Lazy Bastards Drug
- Stalking As A Defence Plea
- The Voice of the Taliban
Its a Pucking World

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