
Friday 28 July 2017

The Great Escape

Well, it was a narrow run thing, and only achieved after playing our get out of jail card judiciously (or at least desperately), but we are now back in the fortress of solitude, literally licking our wounds.

Dead Man Talking - I'm Still Here ..... Just.
I'm Still Here ..... Just.

So this blogger lives to fight another day, but as the Duke of Wellington famously said after the battle of Waterloo "It has been a damned nice (close run) thing — the nearest run thing you ever saw in your life".

We haven't really had a chance to reflect on the events of the last 8 months, and particularly the last 6 weeks, when events suddenly turned from grave to a little more hopeful.

Probably there will come a moment when it will all hit us, and the fortress will be wracked by sobs of relief. But for now the fortress is a recovery point from which we shall sally forth weakly [forgive the intended pun], with a mildly surprised look at a world we expected to not see in this light again.

Cheers ..... No PC Views!


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