
Friday 1 September 2017

Acting Concerned

Once again Hollywood has found itself in a 'whitewashing' row after Deadpool star Ed Skrein has pulled out of a role in the latest comic book movie revamp of 'Hellboy'. He has done so because the part of Major Ben Daimio was drawn as a mixed Oriental Asian heritage character in the original comics.

Colonel Nick Fury Was Very White In His Back Story
Colonel Nick Fury Was Very White In His Back Story ....

This decision by a concerned white actor has the usual whiff of PC hypocrisy about it.

We hear none of these complaints when a black actor (Samuel L. Jackson), is cast in a white role. For instance, Colonel Nick Fury director, of S.H.I.E.L.D. was a very white male in the Marvel comics, but was cast as a very black male in the Avengers movies franchise.

Nick Fury Does A Reverse Michael Jackson
Nick Fury Does A Reverse Michael Jackson

Where were the 'blackwashing' or tokenism complaints at that piece of inappropriate racial casting? Why was no one upset that representing this white character in a culturally inaccurate way, held significance for white people?

Oh yeah I know why. It was because in another bit of PC stereotyping, white people can only ever be racial offenders, and not be offended against.

That's how race politics works in what are predominantly white countries .... of course in non-white countries this argument wouldn't hold any weight, as they don't allow minority cultures to dominate. There are no thoughts of casting white actors in black or brown roles in those countries, just because there has to be a race quota .... none of those 'black men' as best buddy to a main white lead character nonsense castings, that Hollywood feels obliged to perform in every action movie these days.

In the USA for instance, there is far less of the cross racial social intermixing of citizens, than the movies would have us believe. The workplace where this may happen is one thing, but private social lives are another. Even in criminal activities this generally holds true. Black gangs are generally just that, black. Asian gangs are Asian and white criminals usually associate with other white accomplices.

The reason why films and TV have to portray inter race sensibilities in this generally false way, is simply PC driven pressure by people who think like Jeremy Corbyn i.e. that we live in a multicultural paradise, where all races get on. Of course it's utter nonsense and dangerous to boot.

A look around the globe shows that all the evidence runs totally against this idea. From the Balkans to central and southern Africa, there have been examples of long suppressed tensions turning to violence. In these examples it wasn't even skin colour that was the driving force behind this violence. It was either ethnicity e.g Rwanda, or religion e.g Bosnia.

So while Hollywood continues to fiddle with stories to make them racially acceptable, a slow fuse could be burning in the real world. The US has recently seen what happens when that slow fuse hits a dynamite keg ....  Charlottesville didn't just spring out of thin air.


  1. I didn't know or care that Nick Fury was white in the original stories but you make a valid point in the light of equality on all sides of the race argument.

    1. I just find it odd that the pendulum appears to swing only one way on race issues. So we always get the tick but never the tock on this debate. I will also point out that this or was a white culture and immigrants come here ..... so when in Rome!


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