
Friday 8 September 2017

New Holiday Worries

The future is looking increasingly dismal. This is because despite attempts by politicians, and certain strands of the media to down play it, the plain fact is that polls consistently show that a sizeable number of the Muslims in popular holiday destinations would happily wipe out all non Muslims tomorrow if they could.

Levels Of Terror Alert - Europe's New Future.

This number includes many living in what are currently non-Muslim lands. The current level of terror threats indicates that this is impacting our continent and our lives.

Many of the recent Islamic terrorist attacks in Europe have been by people who ostensibly came here to seek 'asylum', but who were either lying about that, or decided later to declare their faith and attack and kill instead.

The individual reasons as to why they turn to violence may be varied (although the outcome is always many dead and maimed). But the fact that it is always said to be in the name of their prophet or God, makes these reasons rather irrelevant.

Foreign Fighters In Syria

However the fact that these murderers increasingly includes Muslims who were brought up in the non Muslim world, is what should depress us most. Because it suggests that any Muslim who is unhappy with their lot, can simply don the cloak of Jihad and kill. This, safe in the knowledge that many of their brethren across the globe and locally will support and cheer on their actions.

A recent statement by an IS affiliate group in Egypt, who have taken to murdering the countries Christians, should give us all pause to think about both their aims, and their belief that their actions are approved by their 'merciful' God.

"Crusaders and their apostate allies should know the bill between us and them is very big and they will pay it with rivers of blood from their children, god willing. Wait for us, for we will wait for you."

Chilling and prophetic. ... You can't say that you have not been warned. Islam will never be at peace with non Muslims (or even itself), and this is not a short term phenomena, but rather the opening shots in a millennial struggle.

The ease with which Muslims can now attack us in non Muslim lands, has hastened the start of this conflict, and no one should fool themselves that it is our very existence that is being attacked.

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