
Friday 22 September 2017

Crap Day Trips

Now most of us have been to an attraction that we have considered to be 'Merde' or 'Shite' in the common parlance. Usually its something where we have paid money to see (such as a circus sideshow), or travelled a long way to go and see such as an exhibition, and which has turned out to be deeply disappointing.

They Hoped To Merda The Opposition Attractions ...

Well now there is an attraction that would take that description as a compliment. It is called the "Museum of Shit", and is the brainchild of Italian Dairy farmer Giantonio Locatelli.

He has created the museum in the province of Piacenza to "document the rich cultural history of both animal and human shit", from its usage as building material (wattle and dobe), a fertilizer, 'Night soil' as its called by Chinese farmers, and its recycling benefits.

Strangely, I half suspect that this attraction might actually not be a shit visit, and may even be interesting ..... but even more strange is the fact that its not alone.

National Poo Museum On Isle Of Wight ...

Yes in the land of Thomas Crapper, there is a National Poo Museum sited on the Isle Of Wight ...

Thomas Crapper Would Be Proud ....

...... Thomas Crapper would be proud.

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