
Friday 7 December 2018

Man Spreading

Man spreading, the act be some males of the species of sitting in public spaces or travelling on public transport, with their legs wide open.

Man Spreading ... Signifies A lack Of  Confidence In Some Regard
Man Spreading ... Signifies A lack Of  Confidence In Some Regards ....

Thus taking up more than their share of the limited space, and indicating that the rest of the world should admire their (usually diminutive) crotch area.

Its a phenomena that we have all witnessed, and often had to react when the male doing the spreading is sat next to you and is infringing upon your leg room in one of those restricted space areas.

Personally I push back with my leg with a concerted pressure thus inviting either comment from the aggressor, a fight, or them realising that this is mutually unpleasant, and that they need to back off. Nine times out of ten they back off and nothing is said, but they behave. Very occasionally they make a comment, and I point out where their leg area ends, and mine begins, and in just one instance, it escalated and blows were exchanged ~ but in 100 per cent of the incidents, they got the point and the message.

However not everyone reacts like me, and women in particular find this a very intimidating male act, even when its opposite them. Now it seems a woman has decided to strike back in Russia, where its perceived as more of an issue.

Anna Dovgalyuk Tackles Man Spreader Tackle
Anna Dovgalyuk Tackles Man Spreader Tackle .... Or Did She?

A video has been doing the usual rounds, in which a woman is seen coming up to men who are man spreading on the the St Petersburg Metro. The woman then pours a bottle of diluted bleach onto their trouser crotches, making a stain, although not causing serious injury.

The star of the video is Russian activist, student and social media star, Anna Dovgalyuk, who claims it was not a stunted sequence. This being Russia, some conspiracy theorists believe it was all staged for the video, and was aimed at some portion of the population in some deep plot ...... me, I think the woman concerned was lucky not to get hit.

Still it diverted several million viewers before it was removed from YouTube .... oh and Ms Dovgalyuk got a number of threats of violence, as well a lot of free publicity .... which was the whole point really.

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