
Friday 21 December 2018

What A Bruiser

Recently we discussed big, Big and BIG .....

What A Bruiser! (Kangaroo Sanctuary)

But then, there is BIGGER!!

That colossus was, I say 'was', because sadly he passed away this December, Roger the Kangaroo.

What can I say other than what a bruiser! Just look at the guns on that!! Actually I have to be honest and admit that the pictures of him made me laugh (in an admiring kinda way), out loud. I showed them to a work colleague who felt a similar awe.

So, he's worthy of a posting, for simply brightening up a Monday morning. Apparently, he was something of a celebrity in his homeland of Australia with 1.3 million Facebook and Instagram followers.

Roger lived in a sanctuary in Alice Springs, where he was unsurprisingly the alpha male in the reserve. It had been hoped he would live a good while longer, (Kangaroos normally don't live long in the wild, maybe 6 -12 years, but can get as old as 20 in captivity), so he had not done exceptionally well in the age stakes, but he had at least made his wild upper age limit.

Still, his demise at the age of 12 was met with sadness amongst his fans. The singer Natalie Imbrugulia tweeted "He always brought a smile to my face. Such a proud strong boy!" .... sentiments echoed by many people across the continent.

Can Crusher .... (Kangaroo Sanctuary)

His party trick was to crush metal buckets with his mighty forearms .... so RIP Roger, we almost certainly will never see your equal again.


  1. WOW he was built like a boxer. Fantastic picture. You wouldn't forget meeting him.

    1. Judging from his following, I don't think many people did. thanks for the comment.


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