
Friday 21 December 2018

Santa Bob And Friends

T'is the season to be naughty ....

Willy Soke - The Poster Boy For Bad Santa's
The Poster Boy For Bad Santa's - Billy Bob Thornton as 'Willie Soke' ....

At least as far as Bad Santa's are concerned. Yes its really that time of year again ..... it comes round so quickly!

Naughty Santa Bob
Naughty Santa Bob

In Orange County Robert Bruce Kendel, a Santa Claus for hire is facing charges after deputies say the convicted sex offender with a 1993 conviction of sexual battery of a victim younger than 12. He was caught after advertising himself on Craigslist as a professional Santa 'Santa Bob' looking for employment.

When FESt St Ives, Cambridgeshire, England, decided to organise a free Santa's grotto they probably thought this would be a neat way of drawing in families to the shopping centre (mall) in the old Corn Exchange. But after a trying day, with music pounding overhead from a 'from a family-friendly rave', and then the smoke machines setting a fire alarm off, causing the grotto to be evacuated as well as the rave, Santa lost his cool.

He tore off his beard, and hat off, and then threw both on the ground and then turned on the kids and parents shouting ‘Get the f*ck out'. So worked up was the now red faced Santa, that he continued to rant at families as they waited outside the Corn Exchange for him to be escorted from the building by security and the fire alarm to be turned off. One mum, who did not want to be named, said: ‘We told our children he wasn’t the real Santa and will be going on the naughty list.’

In November, one would be Santa was arrested in Seven Hills, Ohio, USA after he fell asleep (or passed out), in his Nissan car in the middle of the highway. He was wearing a Santa hat, and still had his foot on the brake pedal and the police smelt both alcohol and Marijuana. It took the police officer several attempts to wake the driver, after first putting the hand (parking) brake on. When he finally woke up, he said he had only had one beer to drink .... He failed the field sobriety test and was arrested for drunken driving. A search of the Nissan uncovered a rubber container with marijuana residue. The man was then also cited for possession of drug paraphernalia.

Other Naughty List contenders are:

Bad Teacher - a substitute teacher at a the Cedar Hill School in Montville, New Jersey, USA, decided that she would inform the four year olds in her temporary charge, that Santa Claus was not real. As might be expected, the parents of these kids were furious, and the school were forced to apologise for the teachers "poor judgement," and the head teacher said that he sent the letter to parents to help them "take appropriate steps to maintain the childhood innocence of the holiday season."

Bad Christian - a protester in Texas has been arrested after telling small children that Santa wasn't real. Aaron Urbanski wasn't arrested for this, but police arrested him for criminal trespass at a church in Cleburne, North Texas.

Christians Against Santa
Fundamentally Opposed

The church had been hosting breakfast with Father Christmas for toddlers when Mr Urbanski and another man approached Heather Johnson, a mother of four young children, who said that two men confronted her as she made her way into the church with her family and said, "Do you let your kids believe in a fake Santa or do they know who Jesus is?" "When I told them not to ruin Santa and Christmas for my kids, they started to shout out that Santa was not real, and that I was wrong for teaching them that. I got really verbal with them over it."

The police were called and found Mr Urbanski and two other anti-Santa demonstrators .... when asked to leave, two complied, but Mr Urbanski refused and was arrested. Scott Cain, the mayor of Cleburne, said he would increase security for Sunday's Christmas parade through the town of 30,000 people.

"Are you kidding me - Protesting Santa?" he wrote on his Facebook page. "While I understand folks right to protest, Cleburne loves Santa and those protesters who were naughty and broke the law when they trespassed were arrested promptly. Guess they wanted coal in their stockings to go with a court appearance."

Bad Nuns - While I might not have found too many 'Bad Santas' so far this year ... there are a couple of naughty nuns from the order of the Sisters of St Joseph of Carondelet who have made the news recently. Sadly, its not quite as a salacious a story as you might have wanted .... naughty in this case is as in criminal.

Sisters Mary Kreuper and Lana Chang
Sisters Mary Kreuper and Lana Chang

The two old girls, Sisters Mary Kreuper and Lana Chang stole about $500,000 (£396,000) from the from an account holding tuition fees and donations at St James' Catholic School in the city of Torrance, near Los Angeles. The kleptomaniac pair had apparently developed an addiction to big time gambling in Las Vegas, and had been taking money for a period of at least a decade, to spend on travel and gambling in the city of sin.

Both the sisters, who are best of friends and who had both recently retired, have apparently expressed remorse for their actions - which is hardly a surprise after they has been finally caught. This crime only having been uncovered by a routine audit by the Archdiocese of Los Angeles ... they had been able to cover it up for so long because Sister Mary Kreuper was the school principal for 29 years. They had therefore been depositing a number of cheques made out to the school for tuition and other fees, into a separate bank account not used by the school.

In an act of Christian forgiveness, it was originally reported that although the police had been informed, St James' Catholic School had said that no criminal charges would be brought against the pair.The Monsignor of the church, Michael Meyers, wrote an open letter to parishioners and the school which said that "Sister Mary Margaret and Sister Lana have expressed to me and asked that I convey to you, the deep remorse they each feel for their actions and ask for your forgiveness and prayers."

However in breaking news, it was later reported that the Archdiocese has said that the investigation has deepened and they are considering making this a criminal case. The nuns order says that both the nuns are cooperating, and intend to pay all of the money back in full.

But to be honest ... although there are plenty of old news reports out there, this year so far, Santa and his helpers have been largely good little boys and girls.


  1. That's what we need, Christians telling us that Santa isn't real !!

    Irony barely begins to describe it.

    1. I thought that you might enjoy that .....

  2. Actually Kreuper admitted to stealing over $835,000 (£616,000), when the case came to court in June 2021 for two counts of wire fraud and money laundering in a plea deal. She was arrained for sentencing in July 2021 where she was sentenced to a year and a day in federal prison. The 80 year old said "I have sinned, I have broken the law and I have no excuses," she said at her sentencing in Los Angeles.

    Her lawyers had tried to claim mental health issues fir her larcenous behaviour but the US District Court Judge Otis D Wright II said he struggled with weighing legal punishment against pleas for forgiveness from Catholic families whose children were taught at St James. He ordered Kreuper to spend 12 months and a day behind bars, and to pay back the school the $835,339 in restitution.

    Of course as a retired nun, she can't reepay the money. Sister Chang hasn't apparently been charged, suggesting that she may have been duped into where the funds came from.

    1. Thanks for the update. I always like to hear how things turn out. The wheels of justice really do grind slowly. Three years to get to court! Shocking.


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