
Friday 7 December 2018

Killing Sprees

“I can go into my world and do what I want to do. I won’t go into your world.”

Samuel Little  - Happy Killer.

These are the chilling words of Samuel Little, a 78 year old diabetic, who has confessed to more than 90 murders.

Investigators have confirmed the likelihood of at least 30 of the confessions of murders being accurate, and believe that the rest of his confessed killings are most likely true as well. His words quoted above, refer to the fact that, despite serving some time (about 10 years) for a rape, kidnap and assault, he was never caught during his killing spree, going back almost half a century. It was only in 2014 that he was finally convicted of the murder of three women in California between 1987 and 1989.

His 'world', as termed above, was the largely poor and often black neighbourhoods scattered around the USA, those places where poverty, drug addiction and unsolved murders are common enough for women to disappear for days or weeks, before anyone was alarmed. Like many serial killers, he never really went outside his own familiar cultural and ethnic groups, and spread his killings over many states and counties (thus exposing once again how weak the US is in tracking serial killers who move locations).

But in truth, he should have been caught far earlier than he was, and its only now, through his decision to confess, rather than through police methods, that the vast majority of these murders are being connected to just this one man.

Already facing life imprisonment for the three murders of which he was finally caught and convicted, he spoke out  after a police officer from another state gained his confidence. His method of operation was to pick up women in bars, or on the streets, and strangle them to death in the back seat of his car .... this often involved a sexual gratification during the strangling, which is where the DNA that finally caught him was picked up, and matched him to two Los Angeles murder victims from the 1990s.

Thomas Hargrove, the founder of the Murder Accountability Project, has argued that there are as many as 2,000 serial killers still at large in the USA basing this on the fact that there are more than 220,000 unsolved murders in the country since 1980. However more conservative estimates by Kenna Quinet, a criminologist at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, say it may be that there are about 115 serial killers dating back to the 1970s in the United States whose crimes have never been solved.

Faces Of Evil .... Recent Serial Killers.

Others suggest that at anyone time, there are always somewhere between 35 and 300 active serial killers (depending on who you ask) in the US alone.

Doctors Of Death.

However the most prolific serial killers of all time are in the medical profession. In the UK, where Doctor Harold Shipman, is believed to have murdered over 250 of his patients by lethal injection, and in Brazil, where in 2013 Dr. Virginia Helena Soares de Souza, director of the Intensive Care Unit at Hospital Evangélico in Curitiba, was arrested, suspected of being responsible for the deaths of over 300 of her patients.

She didn't do it herself, she simply instructed staff at her private institute to inject certain patients with Pancuronium, a muscle relaxant, or lethal doses of anaesthetics, sedatives and painkillers, and then they were asphyxiated through having their oxygen cut off .... many were fully conscious at the time de Souza ordered them terminated, according to prosecutors.

Her motive was apparently bed clearance “I want to clear the intensive care unit. It’s making me itch” .... Police believe de Souza selected poor patients assigned to the hospital by the Unified Health System, in order to free beds for patients with private insurance or cash.


  1. Evil walks amongst us with little to check it's progress.

    1. An interesting view point. You may even be right. Thanks for the comment.


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