
Friday 14 December 2018

The Poster Boys

A recent interview of President Trump in the White House  ....

A Picture Of A President?
A Picture Of A President? .....

.... highlighted a painting on the wall in the background.

It was a painting called 'The Republican Club', by artist Andy Thomas.

'The Republican Club', By Artist Andy Thomas.
'The Republican Club', by artist Andy Thomas.

It features past Republican Presidents Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, both the Bushes, Gerald Ford, Eisenhower, Teddy Roosevelt and Richard Nixon, all sitting around the same table as President Trump. All are apparently having a good time, with drinks and a shared joke.

Its actually a rather jolly picture, and personally I can see why not just Donald Trump might like it. Republican congressman Darrell Issa apparently agreed with me, and purchased it to give to the President. What seems to have surprised everyone, is that President Trump had it hung in his office .... "A lot of times gifts aren't really hung up, they're just pushed into a closet somewhere," a proud Mr Thomas said. "To find out it's actually hanging is really a treat."

'The Democratic Presidents Club' By Andy Thomas
'The Democratic Presidents Club' By Andy Thomas

Actually, never missing a trick, Mr Thomas also completed a 'Democrat' version as a companion piece, and which has since been posted on line. It features Presidents, Truman, Johnson, Carter, Obama, Kennedy, Wilson, and Roosevelt ..... plus one other I don't recognise

Perhaps not surprisingly, its not been purchased and featured on the Oval Office Wall ..... yet.


  1. I think that that are both nice pictures. But I'll bet that they weren't cheap.

    1. I can't say what they cost. Thanks for the comment.


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