
Friday 15 November 2019

A Never Ending Crime Wave

In 2018, 37-year-old Levi Gulwell from the Newport area of South Wales went on a one man petty crime spree.....

Levi Gulwell Is Six Feet Two Inches Tall ... Not Easy To Miss In A Line Up
Levi Gulwell Is Six Feet Two Inches Tall ... Not Easy To Miss In A Line Up
(Although Sometimes There Could Be Some Confusion).

.... When reports of assault, criminal damage and burglary came in to Gwent Police in South Wales.

This was not a new phenomena for Mr Gulwell, and the police knew him well, as he is one of Britain's many revolving door, repeating, so called petty crime offenders, who commit numerous crimes, but somehow are always back on the streets to commit yet more crimes.

Gwent Police Knew Levi Gulwell Well .....

 .... this prolific offender already had 18 previous convictions for 64 offences on his record, including 24 for burglary alone, and had breached his probation conditions in the past .... yet as usual he was still out and about, again.  

The first offence in the latest chain of crime, the robbery, took place on the 7th of March 2018 on Caerleon Road, his home street. He left his flat and approached a Ford Transit van and threatened the driver, and then demanded money and drugs. He pulled out a lump hammer and smashed the driver’s window, and then hit the driver about 10 times with the hammer and his fists.

The driver (who for some reason, did not wish to make a police complaint), suffered a cut to his face during the assault, and got out of the vehicle. Gulwell then drove off in the hijacked van, which was later found abandoned two miles away. At this point the police weren't looking for him .... but three days later, Gulwell got into an argument with a woman in Newport. He threatened he would come back and damage her property, and sure enough he returned on a bicycle and threw a plant pot through her living room window, smashing it, before riding off on again.

At this point this Welsh wild west show finally seemed to come to a halt, when Gulwell was arrested on April 17th, 2019 .... He was still living at on Caerleon Road when police had finally found him. However the boys in blue hadn't got their man yet .... Gulwell burst past the officers, and then climbed on to a wall in an attempt to escape.

He was pulled down, and then started flailing his arms around violently trying to break free of the officers, and when restrained, he attempted to head-butt a police officer. Then he tried to grab their PAVA spray. At this point the officers felt that they were forced to use the spray on him, and when that didn't stop his resistance, they had to threaten him with a Taser, before he finally became cooperative. The police officers involved all suffered cuts and scrapes.

Levi Gulwell .... Showed Signs Of His Exertions In His Mugshot
Levi Gulwell .... Showed Signs Of His Exertions.

Ahh well you might be thinking, the saga is over and justice has been served .... well think again. The next day, while Mr Gulwell was in police custody in the secure custody suite at Newport Central police station, being treated by a nurse, as he had a few bruises himself after all his exertions the previous day, he plotted another escape bid.

He suddenly got up and ran across the custody suite. Then dipping his shoulders, he smashed through a set of secure double doors at full speed, and now in full flow, he then went through another set of secure double doors with the same shoulder technique. He then climbed over a wall and got away from the police station.

However, the freedom was relatively short lived, as an embarrassed police force searched over the area, and recaptured him about 40 minutes after the break out. However, as Mr Gulwell also has two previous convictions for escaping from police custody, in 2012 and 2014, and you would have thought that the police would have been expecting another attempt and prepared for his escape bid .... but apparently not.

Finally in court, he admitted the charges of robbery, making threats with an offensive weapon, criminal damage, resisting arrest, escaping from lawful custody and also of stealing a car ... Oh, he also pleaded guilty to the theft of another car, a Ford Fiesta in Newport on December 1, 2018. He was jailed on the 10th of October 2019, for a total of three years and 10 months, and laughably ordered to pay a victim surcharge upon his release from prison.

Now, back in the real world, he will be out on the streets in about 20 months, and will not pay any 'victim surcharge.' .... He spends most of his adult life either in custody, or committing crimes after taking drugs, or to obtain yet more of the drugs which are the driving force for his offending .... So you have to wonder what world the judges live in?

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