
Saturday 30 November 2019

Highly Likely Terror Attack

Usman Khan, the author of the latest Islamic terrorist attack in the UK ...

Usman Khan - Murderer Not Martyr

.... carried out his attack just a couple of weeks after the UK's terrorism threat level had been downgraded on the 4th of November, from "severe" to "substantial", meaning that attacks were thought to be "likely" rather than "highly likely".

Which just goes to show how meaningless these threat levels, beloved by civil servants, really are.

He had already been convicted of terrorism offences, when in 2012 had had been given an indefinite sentence along with two of his seven accomplices. However upon appeal the indefinite sentences were replaced with a fixed term after Judges said the Parole Board was best placed to decide when the men were safe to be be released from jail.

However the Parole Board said it had no involvement in Khan's subsequent release, saying he "appears to have been released automatically on licence (as required by law)". In other words, because judges had determined that the indefinite detention wasn't fair on the terrorist, he had been given a fixed term which allowed him out after just a few years as long as he agreed to wear an electronic tag and have his movements monitored.

His attack began the Muslim holy day of Friday at Fishmongers' Hall, at the north end of London Bridge, where ironically Khan had been attending a Cambridge University conference on prisoner rehabilitation - called Learning Together - was taking place. But obviously he didn't agree with its premise. In fact reports suggest that the attack started inside the building, before proceeding onto London Bridge itself, where it ended after Khan was shot dead by police, when he appeared to have a suicide bomb vest on ... this turned out later to be a hoax device.

Many of these sorts of attackers will wear fake suicide vests to add to public panic and, in some cases, to ensure police shoot them dead. They think that being killed makes them 'martyrs', and of course to some, perhaps many Muslims, they are.

Two people (unnamed but a man and a woman) were killed during the attack, and three others - a man and two women - were also injured and remain in hospital where the most critically injured are stable. With two innocent people now dead because of these decisions .... will anyone get blamed - those naive judges, the intelligence service, the monitoring system? Probably not.

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