
Friday 29 November 2019

Good News For Guzzlers

Now I am not a man for doing things in half measures .....

Drink Red Wine - A Bottle At A Time
Red Wine - A Bottle At A Time

..... especially when drinking at this festive time of year .... I don't go into pubs to drink water 🥴.

So when I open a bottle of wine for drinking, its not going back in the fridge, it gets drunk.

We Don't All Get This Drunk .......

However I am not a home drinker, so actually I rarely drink wine or any alcohol at home, although I am partial to a drop of red when overseas. So the news, that only drinking one glass of red a day, is actually worse for you than binge drinking a bottle once or twice a week (yes, once again the medical profession has reversed decades of advice), can only be described as encouraging (from a certain point of view).

Dr Jong-Il Choi, the doctor in charge of the South Korean study, has now declared that frequent, but minimal drinking of alcohol e.g. a glass of red a day, is more likely to result in the development of atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeats), causing shortness of breath, chest pains, and raising the possibility of a stroke five-fold, than a couple of alcohol sessions.

Whilst the study showed that the health risks increased by eight per cent for every drink over the week, it was the seven nights a week (number of sessions), that proved to be the biggest risk factor.

One Day Not As Safe As It Was Claimed ......

So one or two drinking binges were actually a better option than seven glasses (even just one a day).

Of course he is a doctor so he said that to stay healthy we should cut down both the amount and frequency of what we drink to be safe ..... and seriously as we enter the Xmas party period, we should all take a bit of care over our drinking. 🥳

But that aside, hey, for non daily drinkers .... this aint all bad news.

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