
Friday 8 November 2019

Separate Worlds - Same Country

A letter was pushed through a serving soldiers letterbox in Skegness, Lincolnshire in 2015 ....

The Cowards Are Still Creeping Around Our Streets
The Cowards Are Still Creeping Around Our Streets ....

Entitled 'Jihad  - The Holy War For Islam'

The text was as follows "You have been identified as an unbeliever and a bride of a murderer of the servants of Allah in the Holy Land. Our peoples have suffered at the hands of your husbands who have murdered, killed and raped our women and children.

“We the servants of Allah intend to avenge our peoples by destroying the families of unbelievers in the land of hate. You along with many others will pay the price for your husband’s destruction in the Holy Land."

“We now know where you live and will begin to destroy the unbelievers and their families."

It was signed “The Circle of Allah – Avengers Serving Allah”.

No doubt these cowardly dogs are still walking safely to their mosques, claiming their social security benefits from their state provided housing, surrounded by their kids, and screaming blue murder at every 'unbeliever' around them.

I always am amazed at how few of these unhappy little warriors of Islam, don't simply leave and go and live in Pakistan or Somalia etc, where they could happily hate us .... it couldn't possibly be the fact that the lands of the unbelievers are safer, nicer and more prosperous than any of the lands of the pure could it?

Its also a fairly safe bet that these self styled servants of Allah, are of the same mindset as those who abused the boxer Amir Kahn, who received death threats from within the Muslim community in December 2017. This after he told his 1.2 million followers on Instagram: “While everyone’s asleep, daddy put the Christmas tree up. Lamaisah’s going to be happy #Christmas#MerryChristmas2017.”

All very laudable sentiments in a society, in which we are all supposed to be tolerant and integrated .... but for many in some communities, this is seemingly a purely a one way tolerance, because despite declaring himself to be a proud Muslim (Sufi), Mr Kahn was then subjected to some abuse and threats from within that community. A sample of which was published in the press (I have left the spellings):
  • “I promise to god i want kill you and your family amir.”
  •  "You mut be dead and your family will be death i promise and allah must promise i and allah see you and check you your angel death came too see you"
  • "Muslims don't celebrate Christmas...." (this despite Jesus being recognised as a prophet in Islam).
  • "It's one thing to give out cards at school your respecting other faith and their celebration but putting up a tree in your own home....poor kid will be well confused."
  • "How could he betray religion like that."
  • and finally: "Goes on a white tv show with a bunch of white people and instantly thinks he is white so puts up a xmas tree." ... (so Islam is a brown religion?)
Other Muslims defended him. However as far as I can find out. no arrests were ever made in this case, nor for the death threats to soldiers families. But the fact that so many trolls sent abuse, is a disturbing reminder of how one way minority integration into British values often is within some UK communities.

We have a long way to go and may not ever get there ...

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