
Friday 3 April 2020

Blind Woman With A Chip Pan

In the 1980's there was a movie called 'Blind Fury', which starred the late great Dutch actor Rutger Hauer as the blind hero (He was also the star of the memorably named 'Hobo with a Shotgun'), who could wield a sword like a Ninja, and didn't appear blind to onlookers.

Rutger Hauer In Blind Fury .... The Villains Didn't Know What They Were Taking On .....

I was reminded of this film when reading about Zena Cooper of Ammanford South Wales who kept a great secret for decades.

She kept it for 38 years. Remarkably she kept it from her parents, her husband and her family (including 4 kids) and also her friends, and her work colleagues.

Zena Cooper - Has Overcome All Adversity

The secret ... she was virtually totally blind, and had been since childhood. "When I was a girl, I didn't realise I was different. I thought everyone saw people people as vague blurs, and that they identified food by smelling it." 

As she grew up she developed such highly tuned survival skills that she even obtained a Masters degree, before later marrying and having children. "I didn't tell my parents because I knew that they would worry, and that there was nothing that they could they do" .... The qualified school counsellor coped by a number of strategies, such as memorising where pavements dipped, and what other people smelled and sounded like, as well their heights and vague shapes.

Ms Cooper, who was born with Marfan Syndrone a gentic condition which affects various parts of the body as well as the eyes, finally had to finally come clean about her disability in 2015, when she mixed up two children with the same name, shapes and heights. She is glad her secret is now out, and said that "As the years go by, you feel like an imposter in a sighted world, but its too late to tell people that you're blind."

She has now written a book about her experiences entitled 'What You See When You Cant See' .... a fascinating read now doubt. I have to applaud her for showing how brave and determined people can be, when faced with seemingly overwhelming obstacles which she spectacularly overcame.

A tale of hope and redemption in these darker times ....


  1. Amazing story. Human beings can be remarkable creatures.

    1. Its a very unusual story, but as you say amazing. Thanks also for the other comments on today's posts (I assume that they are all you) ... I appreciate all comments.

      Stay safe.


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