
Friday 17 April 2020

Perfidious Cats

Anyone who has had a cat as a pet knows that they can be very perfidious .....

Perfidious Bubbles ..... Like Many A Cat.

.... so the tale of Bubbles shouldn't be too much of a surprise.

One day he went missing from his home in Havant, Hertfordshire, England, and despite a local search, his owners thought she was dead. Three years later he was found to be living, apparently as a stray just half a mile away, near a local hotel ... just a whisker away in fact. Someone posted a picture on Facebook, and when his old owners spotted it, a trap was set to capture the elusive Bubbles.

Not All Cats Leaving Home Are Subtle About It.

He was then taken back home, and seemed to recognise it. He settled in as though he had never been away.  

This little tale of feline absconding reminded me of a cat we had in in my childhood and teens called 'Boofs' (as in Bootiful) .... we got her as a young mute stray, who was stealing bread and jam crusts from our bins in hunger desperation. So we took her in, where she lived with us happily enough for a number of years. Then we moved home, and she seemed to settle down, but a year or so later, she started visiting another family about 10 houses down, and although they kept bringing her back, she went back to them when we let her out. Being experienced cat lovers, we knew there was nothing we could do, and let her go live with them.

That would normally have been that, but she was nothing if not consistent in her inconsistency, and about 3 years later, she turned up on our back doorstep, and came in and greeted us all as if she had left just the day before when we opened the door.  And despite us taking her back to her new owners several times, she just kept coming back. Her new owners were heart broken, and promptly got a dog. Boofs lived happily enough for a number of years with us until her death a years later .... when she was attacked and killed by an escaped boxer from a few doors away.

I offer no moral for this story.

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