
Friday, 26 June 2020

Quack The Ripper

Sometimes you have to steal some copy writers headline ....

Quack The Ripper Has Inspired A Few Images

I couldn't resist this one.

Rich Beyond The Dreams Of Avarice (Or The Donald)

We often hear that President Donald Trump has liked to describe himself as a 'Billionaire' .....

Trump - Thinking Like A Billionaire - Living Like A Millionaire
Trump - Thinking Like A Billionaire

.... this despite the fact that he often revels in paying only the level of taxes that even a non millionaire might be pleased to pay (possibly that's why he's a billionaire?).

Desperate Times Again

During this time of crisis, a man has to consider taking up hobbies ......
Smoking Is A Risky And Expensive Habit ......
Smoking Is A Risky And Expensive Habit ......
Now amongst other things, I used to be a heavy smoker 14 years ago, and so during these desperate times, I briefly considered smoking again (I know, I know!! .... it was just a fleeting, passing joke thought, of the sort we all get, like taking up clarinet playing ... not serious).

Mixed Message Protest

It appears that we are not going to see the end of some activists demands .... that's if we really understood what those demands actually are ...

US Billionaire Demands Atonement Money To Be Paid To Black Americans .....

..... sometimes it looks like its some sort of unspecified changes that compensates for past, very old sins (see below), and then other times, it appears to be to simply hand over vast sums in reparations ... then again, maybe its both of those things.

Friday, 19 June 2020

Small Beer

There are crap excuses given all the time in the UK courts, and amazingly some judges even believe them.

What Happens In Vegas, Stays In Vegas

..... But there are also some that stretch the credulity to the limits, of even our liberal judges.

Taking A Breather

We take breathing for granted, but the Earth has not always been as hospitable.

Oxygen Levels Govern The Size Of Life On Earth
Oxygen Levels Govern Life On Earth ...

Right now oxygen is around 21 per cent of the atmosphere.

UK Coronavirus App Cancelled

Well well well ...

NHS APP - All Change - No Surprise.

... today I wake up to the news that the UK has decided to scrap its government built, National Health Service (NHS) coronavirus mobile phone track and trace application.

New Recession- Historic Fears

In another of those, there ain't nothing new under the sun moments

UK Historic GDP ...... A Mixed Picture.

.... as we face the worse  recession since records began in 1706, a new book entitled 'Poverty Of Disaster' has discovered that some things never change.

Friday, 12 June 2020

A Lot Of Bull

The Smith and Wollensky beef steak restaurant in London (the clue is in the name folks) ran a promotional competition to 'Win a whole cow', and enjoy a 14-course dinner for 20 people.

A Whole Lotta Meat ...... In A Whole Lotta Cow
A Whole Lotta Meat ...... In A Whole Lotta Cow.

This would be approximately 440 pounds of beef. Amounting to approximately 200 pounds of ground beef, with the other 220 pounds made up of cuts like steaks, roasts, ribs, brisket, tenderloin, etc.

Fish And Chips Rap

When I was a younger man the name Charles Bronson meant....

The Original Charles Bronson .... The One And Only.
The Original Charles Bronson .... The One And Only.

.... only one thing, a mean and ugly lone vigilante walking the mean and violent streets of Manhattan and New York in the 1970's.

The Worlds Lungs - Not Really

The Tropical rainforest’s are often said to produces 20 per cent of the world’s oxygen.

Forests Are Lungs Of The Earth?
Lungs Of The Earth?

This has often given them the sobriquet as the“Lungs of the Earth”.

Little Pink Keyboard Tigers

The Rise of the 'Little Pinks' (“Xiǎo fěnghóng”) in China, has been lightly touched upon before in this blog, when Chinese students or even journalists have tried to prevent free speech in countries outside their own ...

China's Little Pinks Are A Force On The Chinese Web ..... And The WWW

.... So who are the 'Little Pinks'?

Friday, 5 June 2020

The Massey Murderer (and Other Mechanical Wonders)

In shades of Christine the killer car ....

Christine Was A Killer .....

... a 60 year old Massey-Ferguson tractor owned by farmer Horace Camp in Guernsey in the Channel Isles, has spontaneously started up twice during a thunderstorm ....

The Fish Effect

We can't take predictions by scientists and politicians too strictly.

The Michael Fish Effect Is A Scientific Phenomena .....

In every crisis, they actually cover their own backsides by over egging the worst possible scenarios ....

The Open Prison World

We are now into week ten ... or is it week eleven of the full or partial lockdown world ....

Social Distancing In 'The New Normal' ......

.... that some are calling it 'The New Normal'.

Not So Peaceful Protests

Question: When is a "Peaceful Protest" not peaceful?

Arson - Looting - Shootings - Murders Accompany 'Peaceful Protest' ........

Answer: When it involves, Shootings, Murder, Arson and Looting ....


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