
Friday 12 June 2020

A Lot Of Bull

The Smith and Wollensky beef steak restaurant in London (the clue is in the name folks) ran a promotional competition to 'Win a whole cow', and enjoy a 14-course dinner for 20 people.

A Whole Lotta Meat ...... In A Whole Lotta Cow
A Whole Lotta Meat ...... In A Whole Lotta Cow.

This would be approximately 440 pounds of beef. Amounting to approximately 200 pounds of ground beef, with the other 220 pounds made up of cuts like steaks, roasts, ribs, brisket, tenderloin, etc.

This was described as a 'nose to tail dining experience'. Immediately the animal rights groups took offence .... they accused the top London eaterie of 'showing disrespect' to cows. While a vegan said that the competition 'was horrible'. With all the woes of the world, including real animal cruelty to working animals such as donkeys, is this all they can get worked up about?

No Grease Monkey

A man was rescued after spending two days trapped in a grease vent at a vacant Chinese restaurant in California ... emergency workers were called when faint calls for help were heard.

Grease Monkey ....
Grease Monkey ....

Police said it was unclear whether the incident was a burglary attempt, or trespass and vandalism, as the exhausted man refused to give a version of why he was in the vent. Despite the grease, it took almost an hour to "extract" the man

Big Break Fast

The oil droplets that get in to atmosphere when cooking a 'Full English Breakfast' i.e. Shallow frying, can be damaging if breathed in to your lungs say a team at Utah State University. Whatever will they discover next .... cigarette smoke is bad for your lungs.  
Chicken Lovers

Chicken meat lovers can get engaged by proposing with a deep fried engagement ring at the Absurd Bird food chain, while a chip shop in Preston (a town of gastric connoisseurs, if ever there was one), Lancashire, is serving battered Baileys Irish Cream bites.

Trouble Brewing

It comes to something when those cheeky yanks, who basically drink Greman or Czech lager beer, but pretend its their own, try to tell us how to pour real beers. A 'US Expert', and 'Beer Sommelier' or 'Master Cicerone' (WTF?) Max Bakker, has proclaimed that tilting the glass while poring a pint or a half (he says 'glass', but he would wouldn't he), gives drinkers a bloated feeling.

According to this certificated expert (yes you guessed it, he's a lager drinking employee or 'High-End Educator'), tilting a glass stops a foaming head forming, but also traps the CO2 in the beer. He also reckons that its "in the foam" that we "taste the sweetness of the malt and the bitterness of the hops" .... well I have some news from him. Maybe in that gnats piss that is marketed as a lager/pils in the USA he is right, but in UK traditional beers (Bitters, Stouts and Mild's), the taste is in the body of the liquid, not some froth on the top.

Nut Cases

Occasionally the French still manage to spring a surprise. Who would have guessed that they are nuts about Nutella, the sweetened hazelnut cocoa spread made in Italy? But when heavily discounted 950g jars of the spread went on sale (the Intermarché supermarket chain offered a 70% discount) .... fights broke out in many stores, with fist brawls, and police interventions. Its pleasing that just for once its not a British Black Friday fight to the death for the last half-price iPad. Oddly there are many alternatives to Nutella, with exactly the same nut content ... but no one is nuts enough to fight over them, even in France.

Cheap Gesture

A restaurant in the Palestine was offering 80 per cent off the bills to any North Koreans who happen to wander into their establishment .... this is because of their dictator states stance against the USA, and Donald Trumps acceptance of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Of course the peace loving peoples of Palestine are not renowned for their generosity, and its fairly obvious that this an offer that no North Korean tourist will ever be able take up. Mainly because there are no North Korean tourists, and also because not many tourists go to Palestine for fear of being taken hostage ....

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