
Friday 19 June 2020

Taking A Breather

We take breathing for granted, but the Earth has not always been as hospitable.

Oxygen Levels Govern The Size Of Life On Earth
Oxygen Levels Govern Life On Earth ...

Right now oxygen is around 21 per cent of the atmosphere.

However in the past, even after the advent of photosynthesis (around 2.4 billion years ago) the oxygen levels were only 1 - 2 per cent (instant death for you or me). Around 850 - 600 million years ago levels crept up to 10 per cent ... but still not enough for us.

In fact, it wasn't until about 400 million years ago that oxygen levels reached around 16 per cent (the minimum a human can manage on, in a dizzy and confused kind of way), and it wasn't until 300 million years ago the the levels reached a more comfortable 19 per cent and have stayed there for now ..... We live on a precious jewel, set in a dark sea of space, but we don't appreciate it enough.

IPCC Warning

I have long held the belief that the perfect storm of climate change, environmental degradation, and over population would peak around about the year 2050AD.

The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report in 2018, suggests it could be sooner. They state that we have just 12 years (by 2030), in which to prevent a dangerous destabilisation of the Earth's climate. Personally I think we passed a tipping point decades ago.

Soggy Systems

Global warming is expected to raise sea levels across the globe. Now even the gainsayers who think this is just a natural cycle, may take pause when they realise that their beloved Internet could be at risk ..... it seems that thousands of miles of Internet and communication cables across the globe, along with data centres and servers, would be at risk from even a modest sea level rise.

Current predictions suggest that by as early as 2030, many areas of the globe could face major disruptions their Internet services as underground cables (which are resistant to water but not complete submersion), and all the other requirements find themselves inundated by rising seas.

Its Not Too Late

UK and Dutch climate scientists reckon that the last chance saloon date for drastic greenhouse gas cuts to save the planet is 2034 .... otherwise it will be hurricanes, droughts, heat waves, floods and sea level rises of up to 4 foot. Armageddon 2050 ladies and gentleman, and no mistake.

No Breathing Space

The ongoing deforestation of the Earth's lungs, the tropical forests of Siberia, Asia, Africa and South America has reached a very sad position. The researchers from Boston University have recently found that the tropical forests are now emitting twice as much Carbon than they consume via CO2.

They are now releasing 425 teragrams of carbon annually, which is more than all the traffic in the United States. More than 60 per cent of emissions in the Tropics comes from Latin America, which has witnessed large-scale damage to the Amazon rainforest in recent years. 24 per cent of emissions comes from Africa and 16 per cent from Asia ... figures for Siberia, which is also suffering large scale illegal logging, are not included.

If however we stopped the cutting down of the trees, and the degradation in the tropics alone, we could reduce global carbon emissions by 8 per cent.

But as it stands, we won't stop logging and so the tropical regions are not a carbon sink any more. The trees are removing carbon from the atmosphere, but the volume of the forests is no longer enough to compensate for the tree losses .... Think carefully about that, and then panic!! 

.... Still not to panic about the environment for too long because ...

Flare Up

The world could end before we lose the oxygen .....

Solar Flare Can Wipe Earth Out Before Climate Change Can
Solar Flare Wipes Earth Out Before Climate Change Can .......

.... researchers at Harvard University believe that the Earth could be struck by a giant solar flare in the next century.

So just as President Donald Trump has consistently said, we won't be killed by global warming ..... just solar warming.

On another note. If you inject yourself with disinfectant as Mr Trump has also suggested, you definitely won't die of coronavirus ....   

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