
Friday 19 June 2020

Small Beer

There are crap excuses given all the time in the UK courts, and amazingly some judges even believe them.

What Happens In Vegas, Stays In Vegas

..... But there are also some that stretch the credulity to the limits, of even our liberal judges.

Take for example Mrs Kathy Bacchus, a very aptly named lover of the drink. In February 2019 she was caught drunkenly driving in Worsley, Greater Manchester, England. She was first stopped by a passer-by after pulling up outside her home at 3pm (after apparently driving to the off licence for more alcohol), because she was driving along with a completely flat tyre, but when she got out to look and fell over the car bonnet (hood), the police were called, and she was then breathalysed.

She was then found to be over 4 times the legal limit to drive (the tests showed Ms Bacchus had 146 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit is 35mg.). She was arrested and charged, and later duly taken to court.   

Mrs Bacchus Coming Out Of Court
Coming Out Of Court ....
We Hope She Knew Where She Was 😏

Even then the fun and games didn't stop. When in March 2019 she was summoned to the magistrates court, she was apparently not sure why she was in the court, and firstly tried to sit with her husband and kids in the gallery, and then when directed to sit in the dock, she interrupted several times, before asking the judge if she could leave.

When she finally grasped that it was her who faced conviction for drink driving, she stated that she had been diagnosed with depression and anxiety after living for a while in Saudi Arabia .... the court heard her defence describe it as being a 'dry' country (by which we can assume they meant alcohol free), and a place "where she struggled with being a female in a country with quite strict laws" .... whether they meant strict laws about alcohol, or just about women in general (driving ban and chaperone requirements), wasn't elaborated on.

In any case the judge, while acknowledging that Mrs Bacchus was the carer of two young children, was still having none of it. She was handed a 12-week suspended jail sentence, and was banned from driving for 3 years. hopefully she will have received help.

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