
Friday 15 January 2021

A Good Excuse Not To Do It

Apparently boffin's (that's scientists if your not working in the British press, who still use the term), at Bergen university in Norway .....

Not All Cleansing Products Are Friendly Towards Men
...... have determined what all men have long suspected, and that is that cleaning the house can be more dangerous than smoking 20 cigarettes a day.

The scientists think that cleansing products fumes can cause irreparable damage to your airways. Professional (women) cleaners and women generally are most impacted ... strangely (or not), men are seemingly unaffected .... I can't think why 😅

However University of Liverpool students have campaigned to get rid of litter on campus. Picture pizza packages and coke bottles everywhere. Basically a students paradise, aka a shared living room writ large. ...

Student Accommodation Can Sometimes Include The Student  .....

But I would hazard a guess that this was nearly all female students campaigning. But I suspect that only once the bins are overflowing, the grounds are full, and there are flies everywhere, then and only then, will the male students allow the female students to force them to acknowledge there is a problem.

An opinion, reinforced by the fact that nearly one in four of millenials in the UK still live at home with mummy and daddy. As a consequence half of Britons aged between 23 and 37 have never used an iron, cleaned a toilet or even changed a light bulb!

Millennials Have No Life Skills

It gets worse, according to the poll of 2,000 young adults by a voucher code company in April 2019, 74 per cent said they would pay someone to assemble flat pack furniture for them, 47 per cent had never even used a washing machine, and more than half have never cleaned an oven. Three-quarters can’t defrost a kitchen freezer — and 67 per cent lack the confidence to put up a shelf.

Three in ten have never used a screwdriver .... Christ, one in eight said that they didn't know how to clean a car or paint a shed. The world of the idiocracy is here, and walking our streets. Even where they don't live at home, generation Y is still useless. Four in ten said they would happily pay someone to wash the dishes, one in ten admitted to having paid a plumber to unblock a toilet, while five per cent had actually paid someone to change a light bulb. Most gave the reason for the lack of DIY skills was that they would "only Muck it up". 

God Help Us All .... They will start being in positions of power in twenty years time!!


  1. Personally I have never needed an excuse not to do housework but then many would call me messy. I prefer the term interesting.

    1. Hmm ... I just look the other way as long as I can still walk through the room (joking) ... I do clean up but dusting is not a priority (unless visitors expected, which ain't often these days).

      Thanks for the comment Paul. See ya on the other side (of the pandemic!)


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