
Friday 8 January 2021

Twilight Of The Trump

Well is anyone surprised?

Trump - His 1st Term Legacy?
Trump - His Legacy?

I mean of course that the Trump Presidency is ending in violence, bloodshed and political chaos?

Wasn't this how it was always going to be, if he didn't win a second term (and maybe even if he did)? I recall that when the Nazis started to lose the second world war in 1943, Herr Hitler determined that he would rather bring the whole edifice crashing down on his nations heads, as a punishment for their letting him down, rather than acknowledge that he had personally failed them.

Of course the oddest thing was that the hierarchy surrounding him in the Nazi party did nothing to remove him, and try and steer another course (its possible that some sort of accommodation with the allies might have been reached in 1943 without Adolf in charge - well, alive). Instead they helped him in the destruction, with Himmler and Goering even thinking that they could be part of any post war regime when Germany was defeated!

Similarly it appears that some US Republican Party politicians such as Lauren Boebert, and Josh Hawley, as well as others higher up the ladder such as Ted Cruz, apparently feel that this their moment to try and wrestle the populist mantle from Trumps hands, and line themselves up to gather that base support for the next party nomination process in two years time.

Twenty Per Cent Of USA Voters Approve Of Capitol Break In
Twenty Per Cent Of USA Voters Approve Of Capitol Break In .....

Its very hard to see how the US is going to easily heal from these unprecedented events .... the electoral system lends itself to this by its anachronistic use of an electoral college (a system set up long before mass travel and communication systems), rather than the simple fact of a national vote count. Not voting by states, but just the total number of votes cast for the presidential candidates would resolve this ... the UK for example doesn't vote by counties, and then weight those counties vote in an electoral college to decide which party has won, nor does France vote by weighted regions for its Presidents.  

Ah well, perhaps President Trump has finally cemented his legacy, Gotterdammerung, but not for the gods, just for the one God of Ego. The truth is that he can't stand being a one term President .... or as he likes to refer to others .. "A Loser".

He has already vowed "I'll be back!"

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