
Friday 8 January 2021

Another Jihadi Coward

Khairi Saadallah arrived in the UK in 2012 ....

Failed Asylum Seeker Heads Out To Kill 3 UK Citizens ....

... trying to claim he was an asylum seeker.

Her told the UK immigration authorities that he had fled the civil war in his home country of Libya in North Africa, after he had been involved with some militias as a part of the uprising against Muammar Gaddafi.

In point of fact he actually was just a violent little street thug, who believed that Islam was the future, and that he was one of its warriors. He was refused asylum, but as usual there were appeals to thwart the deportation, and these, combined with the political situation in Libya, meant that we couldn't throw the scum-bag out.

So we had to endure a veritable crime wave between 2013 and 2020 from this dirt-bag, and he while he was repeatedly arrested and convicted of various offences, our revolving door criminal system meant that he was back on the streets to commit more crimes instead of permanently locked up.

On the odd occasion when he was detained in prison, he actively sought out those who preached radical Islam (because we can't deport them either!). So for instance, while in Her Majesties Prison Bullingdon, he was observed trying to interact with the radical preacher Omar Brooks (a man known to be associated with banned terror group Al-Muhajiroun), and who was also at the jail at the time.

He was released from Bullingdon prison in June 2020, just a few days before the unprovoked and preplanned knife attack that left 3 innocent men dead, and 3 others seriously wounded. Originally it had been intended to try and deport him again, but that failed because the situation in Libya is, and will remain unstable, and, therefore a "legal barrier" to deportation.

He is due to be sentenced for his terrible crime, but only after he had made attempts to show that he was mentally ill (howling like a dog in his police cell when questioned by the police), and even claiming that he had 'magic powers' (his Internet usage showed that he had searched for "how to disappear with magic" and also accessed a website with the flag associated with Islamic State). The court thankfully rejected these claims, but I suspect that despite 3 dead, and 3 wounded, he won't get a whole of life sentence, and will still be here in the UK, and probably out of prison long after I'm rotting in the ground.

We have to reset the asylum rules to allow deportation of criminal, violent and dangerous no matter what .... 3 families lives ruined to accommodate the current liberal PC madness that keeps these ticking time bombs in our country, even though we know that they will hurt and maim people given long enough.


  1. He was given a whole of life sentence.

    If he had been deported none of this would have happened. Now he'll be a burden on us forever and 3 innocent people are dead.

    When are we ever going to face reality instead of some PC nonsense which stops us taking commonsense actions.

    1. I don't think that you are the only one to be asking questions as to why this man was free to commit mass murder. Thanks for the comment!


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