
Friday 29 January 2021

Lucky Or Unlucky?

What is Good Luck and what is Bad Luck are subjective things .....

Glass Half Full Or Half Empty? .... Lucky Or Unlucky?
Half Full Or Half Empty? .... Lucky Or Unlucky?

....a bit like the glass half  full or half empty conundrum.

.... After all, you might think that someone winning the lottery has been lucky ... but then find out that that persons son was killed in the sports car, that the lottery winner bought them from the winnings. So the following are just examples of what we might call Luck or No Luck

Unlucky Day

Now most of us would count ourselves as very unlucky to have been badly hurt by a fight in a Spanish bar ... although to be truthful, if you see the state of English tourists abroad, then its perhaps more inevitable than unlucky. But once in the ambulance you would think things would improve.

However one unnamed British tourist (probably English) who was injured in a bar fight (presumably with other Brits), was taken away by ambulance, but never made it to the hospital. The police interviewed the ambulance crew who claimed that the tourist had become violent and leapt out of the moving ambulance. Not satisfied, the police launched a search and found the tourist unconscious in a ditch by the side of the road leading to the hospital. The police gave the ambulance crew a drugs test, and both failed and were arrested .... the tourist is assumed to have recovered.

He might count himself lucky to have survived these events, or unlucky for them to have ever happened.

The Lucky Bar

However if you want to strike it lucky and win a million pound on the UK lottery, then the bar to be a regular in has to be The Mallard in Scunthorpe Lincolnshire.

The Mallard Pub - A Lucky Site?
The Mallard Pub - A Lucky Site?

In 2013 David and Kathleen Long, two regulars at the pub scooped a million pounds on the lottery, and then followed it up by repeating the trick in 2015. Ian Brookes, the landlord, then joined them by scooping a million pounds himself in July 2017. The odds for all this were said to be 283 billion to 1 ..... who would have bet on that? 

However the good fortune didn't transfer to the pub itself .... it was closed down on December 18, 2017 and it wasn't sold to Marston's Brewery until 5 weeks after the closure, securing its continued existence as a pub.

Against All The Odds

Then again some people are just uber lucky and need no charms or locations ..... In France a man won €1 million Euros on the lottery twice within 18 months, playing the same fixed numbers. The odds on this were calculated to be 16 trillion to one. While in Australia, a lucky punter won two large lottery amounts of A$1,020,487 (£566,717), and A$1,457,834 (£809,594) in the same week on the Monday and Saturday draws.

Lucky Boy!

The name Pistorius and the word pistols, have become closely entwined over recent years due to a South African runner who shot his girlfriend. So its something of a relief to be able to report an incident that puts them safely at the other end of the gun going off.

Heinrich Pistorius no doubt thought he was a lucky man when her attended his own wedding .... but he certainly thought that, after robbers attacked the wedding reception (this is South Africa, one of the worlds murder hot spots folks, so don't be surprised at this), and one of them shot at him. The bullet went between his legs, missing the males most vital component of a successful honeymoon, his wedding tackle.

Now you might think it unlucky to have your wedding subject to an armed robbery and being shot at, but then you might think that he's a really lucky boy not to be hit in the nuts by the bullet.

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