
Friday 3 December 2021

Cat-flap Raider

Hannah Carver, a lady from Gosport, Hampshire, England had been waking up to sounds of someone or something crashing and banging about in her kitchen ....

Cat Flaps Attract All Sorts ..... Not Just Cats
Cat Flaps Attract All Sorts ..... Not Just Cats

 ....she had come down to find her food from her kitchen freezer was missing with packaging all over the floor.

She knew it wasn't a family cat, and suspected that it might be an urban fox (which are a growing pest, which I can attest to), but she wasn't sure. But one night in May 2019, after getting home from her job as a barmaid in a local pub, she was sitting in her kitchen, when she heard a noise and saw a badger, stick its head through the kitchen door cat-flap, then, seeing her, it withdrew. 

The Badger Bandit .... Busted!
The Badger Bandit .... Busted!

However Ms Carver now thought she had a very strong clue as to who the freezer raider might be, so she set up a camera in the kitchen, and sure enough the following night, the camera caught footage of the enterprising badger returning, and after cautiously poking its head through the flap, finding no one about, headed to the freezer where it deftly opened the freezer, and opened the drawers while rummaging for frozen morsels. 

Ms Carver had the evidence, and she tried installing child locks on the freezer, and when that failed she started turning the fridge door to face the wall, but the night raider was not deterred and simply rifled through her bins, and assaulted kitchen cupboards in an attempt to access food from them. Pleas to the council and animal charities got no joy, as badgers are a protected species (unless your a farmer in a cattle TB area). Ms Carver had to decide whether to block up the cat-flap or tolerate the food thefts .... she couldn't afford the mounting food bill as well as the damage caused by the badger .... so using her camera footage, she asked her letting agent to block the cat-flap   

Up until that last raid, the badger bandit had taken and shown a soft spot for ice lollies, especially bubblegum flavour ice creams. It has also eaten its way through Twister ice lollies, mashed potato, crumpets and Chinese style pork chops - but it turned its nose up at scallops. 

Cat-Flap -Cat Confused When Cat-Flap Blocked
Cat Confused When Cat-Flap Blocked

The wood blockage stopped the raids, but I also suspect that she has a cat with a bruised head.

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