
Friday 24 December 2021

Missing Post

At this time of year, when most of us are relying on the postal and parcel delivery services more than at perhaps any other time  ..... 
Santa's Delivery Company - 100 Per Cent Guaranteed
Santa's Delivery Company - 100 Per Cent Guaranteed
.... then a survey by the Citizens Advice UK is perhaps an appropriate subject to discuss.  
It found that in the UK one in ten people have had parcels lost, or stolen, in the past year. They have called for delivery companies to be fined for these events. 
Actually what I have found personally is that its the fact that they have no human manned complaint or lost parcel query system that causes the anger. They nearly all rely on a web page and artificial intelligence (A.I.) pop-up answer system, which means that your complaints are not even falling on deaf ears, but rather are simply falling on no ears, even when there is a chance that your package could have still been found if a search undertaken. 
Making all these delivery firms employ UK based human manned help lines, where their helpline workers can instigate searches for the missing packages (I should say that based upon my experience, Parcel force are OK like this and do respond to emails). I have had 3 parcels go missing in the last 18 months, but one turned up after being delivered in error to someone down the street by parcel force .... human error misreading the name.
But for the other two, which were both handled by private delivery companies - one package never got out of the USA where it had gone missing at an International Airport. While the other was lost in the UK by a well known European delivery company - they both had no human complaint process, and I wasted hours either never getting out of the A.I. loop, or sending emails with screen shots to their 'complaint link' .... no responses ever received except an automated reply email promising a response in the future (none ever came).
But as these were eBay purchases I applied for and got an eBay refund for both items, but it was an unsatisfactory experience, both for the loss of the parcels contents and the frustrated attempts to get some help from the companies.
Well Merry Christmas and I hope Santa (or whomever else you have trusted), has delivered all your parcels .....

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