
Sunday 9 August 2009

The Copts of Egypt

The Christian  Copts of Egypt are struggling after the recent mass culling of their pigs in Alexandria and Cairo, under the guise of "Public Health" measures.

Cairo Rubbish
Cairo Rubbish

The Copts resisted, but this is a one party dictator state, where 'martial law' has been in force for over 30 years, and the Copts have no political clout in the US, so they were quickly beaten down.

The killing was carried out in a barbaric manner, and was certainly an attack on the Christians of Egypt. As usual the West said nothing at a measure that will certainly impoverish many, and bring health risks to millions. Both the 'World Society for the Protection of Animals' and the World Health Organization, have pointed out that culling will be "ineffective" in protecting people against swine flu, because it is not passed from pigs to humans. So the excuse of "Public Health" is a thin lie, to hurt the Christians.

For the pig owners, many of whom are 'zabaleen' (rubbish collectors), who mainly come from the Coptic Christian minority, the cull has been devastating. The Pigs were often their only income and they used the pigs to recycle organic wastes and then sold them for meat. With this livelihood gone, many are very desperate and receive no help, and no support, from Western charities such as Christian Aid, who shamefully actually seem to prefer to support Muslims or Hindus, rather than the beleaguered Christians of the Middle East or Asia.

Postscript: Cairo was a filthy city even when the pigs ate tons of organic waste, now its a pigsty. The organic waste, formerly collected and eaten by pigs, now lies rotting in the streets.

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