
Sunday 23 August 2009

A Little Bit Of History

This week, Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme was released from prison.

Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme Today
Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme

 Why is that even mildly interesting?

Well for people of a certain age, the names of Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, Mary Theresa Brunner, Leslie Van Houten , Charles "Tex" Watson, Susan Atkins, Linda Kasabian, Bobby Beausoleil, and Patricia Krenwinkel will be forever synonymous with the "Manson Family" led by Charles Milles Manson.

In one brief period of time, this 'Hippie Gang' committed a string of murders, including of course the horrific killing of actress Sharon Tate. So notorious are Charles Manson and his gang, that there is a web site dedicated solely to the crime, and what happened subsequently to the gang members after they escaped death row, when California briefly abandoned the death penalty.

"Squeaky" Fromme was not convicted of any of the original Manson murders, but then went on to try and kill President Gerald Ford. Charlie Manson himself will never be let out of prison, and that's a fact that no one can deny.


  1. Helter Skelter is coming my friend ... its a coming!

  2. Well it will have to move abit because we will have world wide Helter Skelter by 2030 AD


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