Saturday, 1 August 2009
Obama - Long Legged Mack Daddy
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Dreamberry Wine Cover
Very Funny ..... Only in America!
ReplyDeleteI looked up Mack Daddy following the comments above because to be honest I had assumed that it was just a bit of invective made up by a lunatic.
ReplyDeleteIt appears to mean either a pimp or loverboy depending upon context .... I think we can all guess which one this speaker refers to :-)
poverty pimp obama and his band of thieves are the worst things to happen to the country,but it woke us up,and showed how many stupid people there are here that vote.
ReplyDeleteDemographics Mr Silus Dogood meant that the stupid (like the poor) are always with us.
ReplyDeleteJust knowing that there stupid people out there armed with a vote doesn't mean you can do anything about them LOL