
Sunday 9 August 2009

Muslim Demographics & Other Guesswork

The seven-and-a-half minute video "Muslim Demographics" is proving a big hit on YouTube and now the chattering classes, led by the BBC, are attacking its content. The video purports to show that much of Europe will be subjected to 'Islamification' within thirty years. Obviously this is a bit like using current birth and immigration trends, to predict that the United States will be a Latino state within the same period, a question I examined last year.

These kinds of prediction are notoriously unreliable, because they only assume that everything remains unchanged, so political changes e.g. immigration clamp downs, or changes in birth rates are not factored in to the predictions. However, if they contain accurate data, and nothing changes, then they are as accurate as any other predictions, and if politicians ignore them i.e. make no changes, then the predictions could prove to be an accurate portrayal of the future.

Why so many European politicians are prepared to take such a massive gamble on the very culture and future of their countries, without asking the general public, is a mystery to many of their populations, particularly as it fuels the political groups of the far right and far left. These groups, such as those who fought in Birmingham on Saturday, are the front line of tomorrows race, religion and cultural battles driven by mass immigration.

Without a doubt, the video is propaganda, and therefore uses extreme cases to make its point, but to deny the general trend of large scale Muslim immigration into Europe, and then ignore the obvious conclusions of the trend continuing, is both stupid and dangerous.

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