
Friday 20 February 2015

The Apocalypse Clock Is Ticking Louder

2050 is the watershed for much of what's going to happen next .... We have mentioned this date in a number of posts as being the moment when the way we live will change for ever.

Apocalypse Clock Is At Ten To 2050
The Clock Is At Ten To 2050

The latest forecast to make the headlines is that after 2050, the South-west and the Central Plains of the USA would likely shift to drought conditions that exceed even the great drought epochs of the so-called "Medieval Climate Anomaly" in the 12th and 13th Centuries.
In other words they could become unfarmable and possibly inhabitable. We're talking about the levels of risk of about 80% of there being a 35-year-long drought by the end of the century, if climate change goes unmitigated.
Now as we all know secretly, that there is more chance of it snowing in hell, than of anyone stopping climate changes in the next 30 years, so in reality the US faces a catastrophe but is walking blindly into it. The scientist making the prediction say its not the end of the world ~ they used tree rings to work out what happened back then, so the events weren't so bad as to kill off all the trees, but they do say that it means significantly less water from 2050 for farmers, than they are used to having in the last 100 years.

Ah well, no doubt the human race will survive all the upheavals, because there are just so many of us, but do you know what, I think we are already seeing the opening effects of a world about to collapse.

We may well be the high-water mark of western style consumerism .... our descendants may well wonder how we could be so reckless, but then they will probably never have enjoyed the luxury of unrestricted access to the worlds resources. But we have ....

1 comment:

  1. Nearer To Death Are We All: The Doomsday clock clicked forward 30 seconds this year, to 2 minutes to midnight. Trump, North Korea, Iran and Nuclear fears have all contributed to this .. the furthest it's been from Midnight was 17 minutes to, in 1991.


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