
Friday, 30 March 2018

Who's A Clever Boy Then?

On the 19th of April, 2015 a fire broke out at a house in Middleton Idaho.

Fire Engines Attend A House In Middleton Idaho

The fire brigade were quickly summoned and arrived where their attention was drawn to the cries of "fire" and "help" coming from inside.

The Calvert's and Penns Of America

The Mason Dixon line was a divide that I knew little about, other in fact that it maybe was also intertwined somehow in the American Civil War. In fact its far more interesting than that ..

The Maryland and Pennsylvania Markers placed every mile and five miles.

Firstly, it was actually drawn by two British boys ..... Baker's son Charles Mason and lapsed Quaker Jeremiah Dixon. They were British scientists, and already known as master surveyors and astronomers, when they were asked to intervene in the long running land dispute between the two American colonies of Maryland and Pennsylvania in 1763 AD.

The Assassin’s Veto

Did you know that in France, actress Brigitte Bardot has been convicted five times of incitement to racial hatred?

Brigitte Bardot.... Animal Lover.

The reason? Well because as a well known animal lover, she complains about halal slaughter methods.

The Facebook of Porn

The Digital Economy Bill comes into force in April 2018. Its the most dangerous IT Bill put into force since the EU 'Right to be forgotten' legislation. Under that legislation, criminals could expunge evidence of their crimes from search engine results .... this includes sex offences, such as paedophile behaviour.

All The Glossy Explanations Don't Disguise What An AVS Is

This latest bill, is a cack-handed attempt to keep “.... children safe from harmful pornographic content online ...” according to Karen Bradley, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport. At least the final Act of Parliament did drop the term “adult content”, in favour of using the specific term “pornography.”

Friday, 23 March 2018

GlastonBarry Brawls

I like you have heard of the world famous Glastonbury Music festival ....

Glasto England Is A Good Safe Time For Most Party Goers
Glasto England Is A Good Safe Time For Most Party Goers ...

But I, like most of you, will have never heard of its Welsh counterpart ...... the GlastonBarry music festival ...

Colouring The Past Again

Some of my most popular posts are on the subject of the colourful past our ancestors lived in ...

Alexander Sarcophagus - Constantinople Would Have Been Painted
'Alexander' Sarcophagus - Constantinople
(Not His, But Actually One Of His Generals)

It wasn't the white aesthete look, that the Renaissance artists sought to imitate, when they copied what they thought were original marble statues of antiquity .... they weren't aware of the fact that originally these were coloured. This view that white marble was the ideal condition, led to sculptures actually being cleaned of paint remnants when pulled from the ground.

Coming To Britain?

Are you thinking of coming to Britain for a holiday?

City or Countryside - Britain  Has Something For Everyone.
City or Countryside - Britain
Has Something For Everyone.

There are of course some very good reasons to do so. We are an ancient land, with a history of human habitation continuous since the last ice age of 12,000 years ago.

Et Voilà ... Blog View Record

We are patting our own backs this week at PC Towers ......

Landmark Congratulations And Jubilations
Landmark Congratulations And Jubilations
.... this because we apparently reached, and then surpassed, a small web landmark.

Friday, 16 March 2018

Tightening Nuts

There are some men who shouldn't be allowed to wander the hills of South Wales. One such is the gentleman who was taken to the Gwent accident and Emergency unit in Newport, South Wales.

Males Of All Species Often Get Pots Stuck On Their Heads ....

His injury was such that the hospital was forced to call the fire brigade .... and no it was not a pot stuck on his head .... well not the head with two eyes.

Get Stuffed

The background of Taxidermy is a combination of northern animal skin tanning and Egyptian mummification techniques.

Hanno the Navigator and the 'hirsute and savage people'.
Hanno the Navigator and the 'hirsute and savage people'.

As early as 2,200 BC, the Egyptians embalmed the bodies of dogs, cats, monkeys, hawks, etc as companions to the afterlife. Around 500 BC, the Carthaginians were reported to have preserved the skins of Gorillas killed by Hanno the Navigator. The skins were hung in the temple of Astarte, where they remained for several hundred years, until the conquest and destruction of Carthage in 146 BC by the Romans.

Lies, Damned Lies, And Statistics

A few years ago the homosexual and lesbian communities (LBGT), tried to claim that 10 per cent of the adult population was 'Gay'. They based this claim on nothing more than wishful thinking, and the hope that this figure would give them a societal significance far greater than their actual numbers.

LGBT Surveys Now More Accurate
LGBT Surveys Now More Accurate

For a while, the media, led by the BBC took this claim as 'gospel', and so this was the 'accepted' figure upon which the social debate took place .... But after a while people started to test this figure against their own reality, and found it to be wanting. 

A National Disgrace

Reports suggest that up to a 1,000 '*white working class girls' (* as the Conservative MP Lucy Allan described them), were raped in an organised manner by men of Pakistani/ Muslim 'heritage' in Telford, over a sustained period from the 1980's onwards, with some of the current younger abusers apparently following in the footsteps of older male relatives.

Top Two Are Ahdel Ali and Mubarek Ali ...

Sadly nothing new in this event, but in 2012 seven Pakistani 'heritage' men, including brothers Ahdel Ali and Mubarek Ali, were jailed as part of West Mercia Police's 'Operation Chalice' in Telford, and although the actual victim figures may never be known, its certainly in the hundreds, whilst many more perpetrators remain uncharged with the rapes.

Friday, 9 March 2018

Eat More Shorts

According to Sheffield University's Urban Studies department, just 9 per cent of England is built on. So why is England so empty of forests at less than 20 per cent coverage.

Britain Shamed By Lack Of Trees

  • According to Cressida Dick, Britain's top police officer, teen criminals should face much harsher sentences ......

Moore Stupidity

They breed them big and tough in Lancashire. That's all we can assume when recounting the tale of Scott Moore, an ex-International Rugby League footballer. He had been the youngest person to have ever turned out in the Super League, playing for St Helens at just 16 years of age ... so a big boy even then.

Scott Moore ... From Hero To Zero ....

In October 2016 he was spotted speeding in his black Mercedes-Benz motor vehicle and the police attempted to flag him down. Instead he sped off and reached speeds of nearly 150mph in his attempts to elude them. Not surprisingly he eventually crashed the car, and the police attempted to arrest him.

Prophet Without Honour?

For reasons that seem fairly obvious given recent events, during all the jihadist attacks in europe, the quote ...

Enoch Powell - Prophet Without Honour In His Own Land?

"For reasons which they could not comprehend, and in pursuance of a decision by default, on which they were never consulted, they found themselves made strangers in their own country."

..... was posted a number of times, on numerous debates and forums.

Not Impressed

Tom Watson is a Labour MP and deputy leader of the party. He took £540,000 in election campaign contributions (which was used to help pay his office costs), from the multi-millionaire Max Moseley. The payments were, £40,000 in August 2015, £200,000 in June 2016 and a final £300,000 donation in February 2017 ....

Strange Connections Between Two Politicians And Eras
Strange Connections Between Two Politicians And Eras ....

Mr Moseley is the son of UK Fascist leader Sir Oswald Moseley, who led the Union of British Fascists, and later founded the far-right Union Movement. Mr Moseley states that he no longer supports such views. This political alliance was odd enough to attract much interest in the press, as that amount of money to just one MP is highly unusual.

Friday, 2 March 2018

If I Ruled The World

Every great Super Villain, from Felonius Gru (Despicable Me), to Goldfinger (James Bond movie of same name) has needed 'a cunning plan' ..... now some, like Gru's miniaturising the moon and stealing it, are doomed on so many levels, but some, such as the Bond super villains always have a superficially viable plan:

Some Bond Super Villains Club Members
Some Bond Super Villains Club Members

But once you examine them closely, well, they mostly kind of fall apart.

Up In Flames

Spontaneous human combustion (SHC) is too well reported to be 'Fortean' anymore. It may not be properly understood as yet, but it undoubtedly occurs.

Spontaneous Human Combustion
SHC - Traditional View Of The Scene Of One

Normally it occurs indoors, and involves the smoking of cigarettes, with the imbibing of alcohol, which often means that these factors are blamed as the cause.

Coward Of The Country

Broward County Sheriff's Deputy, Scot Peterson was the armed school resource officer, at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School during the mass shooting. In all, four sheriffs deputies failed to enter the school to stop the gunman Nikolas Cruz's rampage, one that cost the lives of 17 students and teachers.

Deputy Scot Peterson - Long Serving Officer

However it was just officer Peterson who was publicly branded as the 'coward' of Broward county, by President Trump on National TV.

Snowmaggedon (Four Inches Of Snow)

Britain's public transport system is something of a pathetic disgrace.

Scenic Snow Cover In Britain Hides Traffic Chaos

That's all we can conclude after just one or two days of snow brings utter chaos to airports, rail, roads and buses .... again. Its the same every year.


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