
Friday 2 March 2018

Coward Of The Country

Broward County Sheriff's Deputy, Scot Peterson was the armed school resource officer, at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School during the mass shooting. In all, four sheriffs deputies failed to enter the school to stop the gunman Nikolas Cruz's rampage, one that cost the lives of 17 students and teachers.

Deputy Scot Peterson - Long Serving Officer

However it was just officer Peterson who was publicly branded as the 'coward' of Broward county, by President Trump on National TV.

The base salary of Officer Petersen (and presumably the other County Sheriffs Deputies) is $75,673.72 ... which I guess some people would say pays for them to risk their lives when required. The school security camera footage, showed Officer Peterson “arrive at the west side of building 12, take up a position and he never went in,” according to County Sheriff Israel, who said the revelations that the officer had failed to go "... in, address the killer, kill the killer,” made him “sick to his stomach.”  

Trumps Deferment Certificate - Trump Signature Slants In All Directions.

Of course President Trump himself has no proud record of behaviour under fire .... in fact he (like another recent US President), has avoided active service when conflict broke out. By 1968 he had avoided being drafted to serve in Vietnam, on four occasions, because he was in college. 

Trump The Teen Warrior 1964 ... But Not Later??

When college finished in 1968, he avoided military service for a fifth time, when he informed the army that he had bone spurs in his heels which made his feet hurt. Strangely, these same bone spurs hadn't stopped him attending the New York Military Academy as a 13-year-old, and graduating in 1964 .... nor being classed as fit for service based upon a military medical examination in 1966. In 1969 he luckily got a high number (#356 out of 365), when the draft lottery for Vietnam began in that year ....  hmm.

So as the President who did not actively run toward the sound of the guns in Vietnam 50 years ago, you would think that Donald Trump would be more circumspect in shouting 'coward' at any man. Would he have run into the school, dodging bullets from an AR-15, and then shooting the gunman, armed with just a handgun? We will never know ....
Scot Peterson was found not guilty over Parkland school shooting response. The school's resource officer, was found not guilty of all 11 charges including felony child neglect, culpable negligence and perjury. There is of course no law that requires any police officer to put themselves in the line of fire, or risk their lives during a shooting. 
So the prosecutors chose to charge him with felony child negligence. The case hinged on whether Mr Peterson had a legal obligation to try to stop the killer, which he didn't. The parents of those children killed still blame him for doing nothing after he arrived ... A Florida Department of Law Enforcement investigation found he "did absolutely nothing to mitigate" the shooting.


  1. Talking the talk, but not walking the walk. Easy for anyone to do the former, but hard to do the latter.

    1. Well Trump will never have to Walk the walk himself. He has others to do that. Thanks for the comment.


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