
Friday 9 March 2018

Eat More Shorts

According to Sheffield University's Urban Studies department, just 9 per cent of England is built on. So why is England so empty of forests at less than 20 per cent coverage.

Britain Shamed By Lack Of Trees

  • According to Cressida Dick, Britain's top police officer, teen criminals should face much harsher sentences ......
..... She told the Howard League prison reform group that so called reforms had created a hardcore of teen and youth criminals who had no fear of police or courts, and whom were effectively no longer police able .... she ended with the observation "At what point does the state prioritise it's duty to protect the public." .... good question, to which most of us hope for an answer one day.
  • More than 2,000 human eyeballs given for cornea transplants were found in a dustbin in Delhi India in 2015. Now apart from what this says about Indians attitudes to hygiene in public spaces, we hope that at least they were all minus the corneas. 

2000 Eyeballs .... is a lot of looking.

  • A daily orgasm cuts down the incidences of male prostrate cancer by almost a quarter, according to Scientists at Harvard Medical School. The researchers said the results were purely observational .... nothing I can say to that.
  • Memory loss caused by Dementia/Alzheimers could be cured by taking a period pill used to fight women's period pains. Ponstan Forte (Melefanic Acid) also reduced inflammation of the brain according to researchers at the University of Manchester.
  • When Phil Coppell, a Liverpool 'Beatles' Tour Guide died aged 66, his pallbearers dressed up as characters from the cover off the 'Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Band' album cover. They used a Magical History Tour bus for the funeral.
  • Deborah Carmichael has been threatened with imprisonment if she makes any more hoax calls, or swears and abuses anyone she communicates with. She has a history of making false complaints and calling emergency numbers (999 in the UK), then swearing at call handlers. 
  • A German man in Leipzig called Niklas Frankfurter called the police and reported that "Max Zappy wants to kill himself".... police rushed around to the location of the suicide attempt .... only to find that Mr Frankfurter was drunkenly holding a teddy bear named "Max Zappy" and claiming that he was preventing Max from jumping out of the window. Both man and bear were taken into police custody.
  • Do you remember Calvin E Wank of Deposit New York State? ..... well he has a blood brother in the person of Michael Dick, who was arrested for the same offence of public masturbation, and wandering naked around Tickle Creek, Oregon ..... I don't have to make this stuff up LOL
  • Beta Librae is a star visible to the naked eye as the second brightest star in Libra the Scales constellation, and is the only star known to burn green in colour. Why its this colour isn't known.
  • Researchers examining the ratio of hydrogen to deuterium in water molecules on Earth found that a significant proportion of the water (up to half) came from outside our Solar system (interstellar space) and pre-dates our suns formation. The ratio of these two elements in the water is set by the parent sun that created them, and it was expected that it would all match our suns ratios. This raises the possibility that life exists elsewhere in our galaxy. 
  • A Muslim man in Saudi Arabia who was about to get married, but who had never seen the prospective bride, met her and her parents for a pre-wedding meeting in a Riyadh hotel. He asked to see her face as she had turned up in a full Burka ..... only to beaten unconscious by her parents with an ashtray. This issue of not seeing the goods, so to speak, is not an isolated one in these countries. In 2014 a Saudi groom divorced his wife on the wedding day when he saw her for the first time, and of course there are other examples on this blog.

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