
Friday 16 March 2018

Lies, Damned Lies, And Statistics

A few years ago the homosexual and lesbian communities (LBGT), tried to claim that 10 per cent of the adult population was 'Gay'. They based this claim on nothing more than wishful thinking, and the hope that this figure would give them a societal significance far greater than their actual numbers.

LGBT Surveys Now More Accurate
LGBT Surveys Now More Accurate

For a while, the media, led by the BBC took this claim as 'gospel', and so this was the 'accepted' figure upon which the social debate took place .... But after a while people started to test this figure against their own reality, and found it to be wanting. 

For a start, one in every ten of their acquaintances, friends and families, was not 'gay'. Then certain organisations also changed tune, such as the National Health Service (via its blood donation services), which admitted that it was only excluding around 3 per cent of the male population from giving blood as being homosexual ... this being based upon the questionnaire replies of the sexual practices of men who were trying to donate blood.

Suddenly, it looked like the 10 per cent figure was actually a gross exaggeration, which had been blindly accepted, and that had (mis)informed the debate for a generation. More recently no one, except the most out of touch LGBT activist, even pretends that the actual figures are anything more than between 2-3 per cent of the population being homosexual  .... 4 per cent tops.

So now researchers can deal with the subject objectively, and this leads to some interesting studies ..... the latest of those that I am aware of came from Washington State University, which after polling 33,000 people said that:
  • People are either born homosexual or straight, with no option to choose their sexuality (so bang goes the excuse for gender switching actress Cynthia Nixon). This is based upon studies of homosexual brothers, who apparently share certain genes which predispose them to their sexuality.
  • That 97 per cent of of men and Women are born straight, and that,
  • Strangely for a group who like to be called 'Gay', homosexual men are more likely to suffer from depression, while lesbians are more likely to suffer from drinking problems.

Why anyone really wants to know all these things, I don’t actually know .... but at least any debate is now based upon facts, not fiction.
Update: The Office of National Statistics has confirmed that officially in the UK 3.1% of the UK population aged 16 years and over identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB) in 2020 (based on the 2021 census), an increase from 2.7% in 2019 and almost double the percentage from 2014 (1.6%).
The increases are a mixture of more people confident in coming out, and certain celebrities e.g. Miley Cyrus and Cara Delevingne, making it trendy for younger people, especially young women, to identify as bi-sexual .... a fact reflected in their summary that in 2020, women (1.6%) were more likely than men (0.9%) to identify as bisexual but were less likely to identify as gay or lesbian (1.1% compared with 2.5%); these differences between men and women are more pronounced in the younger age groups.


  1. The truth is never easy and so gays prefer the lies.

    1. The truth is never easy for many groups. I don't think they lied as such, more likely over egged the figures to try and justify their campaigns. This same tactic applies to other pressure groups as well. Thanks for the comment.


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