
Friday 16 March 2018

Tightening Nuts

There are some men who shouldn't be allowed to wander the hills of South Wales. One such is the gentleman who was taken to the Gwent accident and Emergency unit in Newport, South Wales.

Males Of All Species Often Get Pots Stuck On Their Heads ....

His injury was such that the hospital was forced to call the fire brigade .... and no it was not a pot stuck on his head .... well not the head with two eyes.

No, what he had got stuck to him was a ring spanner .... in some weird sex game, he had managed to get his testicles trapped inside a ring spanner, and nothing could be done in the hospital to lubricate him free .....

Nut Cracking Takes Many Forms ....

.... So out came the specialist cutting gear. Now I don't know if it was his plan to have a man in uniform fondling his nuts, but that was how his evening ended up. Apparently the man was "very vague at the hospital about how the spanner got stuck over one of his testicles, saying that it 'was an accident'"

His embarrassment didn't end there as the fire brigade later tweeted that the "Crews from Maindee and Malpas had to release a steel ring spanner from a man who took tightening nuts to a new level earlier…. If you're using tools, make sure you're handling them as the manufacturer recommends." ..... sadly after a few hours, the tweet was taken down by some po-faced kill-joy as being in "poor taste".  


  1. I have a steering wheel stuck down my trousers.... it's driving me nuts.

    1. Well for gods sake don't try and change gears ..


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