
Friday 1 March 2019

A Quota For Intelligence

Once the PC brigade gets into full flow, any appearance of logic of intelligence often flows out the window.

Are Boardrooms Too Macho?

The have little to start with and even less when they finish .... two examples.

The former trade minister Lord Davies, not content that women now make up 25% of the membership of the top 100 boardrooms in the UK also called for a new target of 33% of women board members at FTSE 350 firms by 2020.

The 25% figure was a 'voluntary target' he had set for them in the first place when in government, and was backed up by a veiled threat of possible 'legislation' if it wasn't met. This forced firms to recruit expensive additional female board members, not on proven ability, or a past performance level, but simply because they are women. Gender discrimination certainly. Tokenism, most likely. Illegal? Well if this was being done, but with men, it would certainly be treated as illegal.

The next example..... according to 'The Business Of Fashion' website, there is 'racism' in the fashion industry, and they publish regular articles on this issue. In one of these they worked out that only 10.2% of western fashion models on the catwalks of London, Paris or Milan are black. Presumably this is as opposed to the situation on African or Asian catwalks, where models are nearly 100% black or 100% Asian?

Racial Quotas On Catwalk ....

Of course, if this was a quota then the figures would be .... err, that’s can't be right? .. dropping?

Yes because far from being racist, this figure represents a glowing beacon to the world of 'racial tolerance'  because:
  • France has a black population of around 5%
  • Britain has a black population of around 3%
  • Italy has a black population of around 1%

Only the US has a black population greater than 10.2%, at around 12.6%. So really, in order to enforce fairness and equality, and stop racism, we should be sacking many of these black models?

Thinking things through before opening your mouth is called intelligence, so although PC nonsense says that its "equality-boosting" to use gender or race quotas to decide who is given a job, a good test for any of requirement is if you reverse it.

If it would be illegal or morally reprehensible if applied to only men, or to white people, then it should be considered the same if applied only to females, or non-white people.

That's called 'Equality' .... anything else is called 'Discrimination'. If anything there should be a quota for intelligence.


  1. Clearly quotas isn't the answer but what is? Left to the Market equality in some areas could take centuries.

    1. Define Equality ... do you mean seemingly every second person TV Adverts being black males ... completely out any proportion to their numbers? Fairness is ability, or fitting the role, or historical accuracy.

    2. No I don't mean that minorities should be disproportionately represented, obviously.
      Equality means that provided one is suitable for the job, gender, sexual orientation, the colour of one's skin, etc. should not prevent someone from an appointment, and should not be the deciding factor in the face of an otherwise equal candidate.


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