
Friday 29 March 2019

Hadrian Was Here

Gelt Forest, near Brampton in Cumbria, was once a Roman Quarry and was used to get stones for the building, rebuilding and repair of Hadrian's Wall.

Hadrian's Wall As It Looked

We know this because in the 18th century, graffiti was found which had been carved by Roman legionaries around 207AD and almost certainly before (The Wall was built from 120AD onwards).

The markings had since become  overgrown with vegetation and all but lost ..... 

Hadrian Was Here?

The graffiti uncovered, includes a caricature of the quarry commander, and a good luck symbol phallus.

Roman Caricature ...

They can date when part of the quarrying was undertaken, because some of the graffiti ‘APRO ET MAXIMO CONSVLIBVS OFICINA MERCATI’, which makes reference to the consulate of Aper and Maximus which was 207AD .... and the aim is to produce a 3D record of the writings for the public via a technique known as "structure from motion photogrammetry."

So with a bit of luck they will find "Publius Aelius Hadrianus est hic" (short for 'Hic erat publius aelius hadrianus') .... strictly this is 'The work of Hadrian' (or perhaps 'by the order of Hadrian), but we would more loosely say

.......... 'Hadrian was here!' 


  1. A Chinese school boy tourist scratched “Ding Jinhao was here" on the Temple of Luxor a few years ago. Graffiti is alays with us.

    1. Sorry about the late reply ... I remembered that story after reading your comment. Thanks.


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