
Friday 15 March 2019

No Barriers To The Stupid

You just can't cure stupid ....

Anti-Computer Placard - Designed On A Computer?
Designed On A Computer?

That's a fact that this blog has highlighted on more than one occasion.

Take Zoo's for example. The barriers between the humans and the animals are put there for a good reason ..... mainly to protect the animals from the stupidity of the humans.

At Wildlife World Zoo in in Arizona, USA, a woman in her 30's stepped over a barrier to take a selfie, and was attacked by a Jaguar. Now one has to ask what goes through some people heads when they do things like this .... and have to conclude that the answer is 'not much'. The Jaguar pushed its claws through the bars and outside of the cage, clasping her around her hand, and sinking its claws into her flesh .... she then started screaming.

The Zoo director later confirmed that the incident was the result of "human error," and that the animal would not be euthanised, adding that the zoo was sending prayers to the woman's family ..... possibly to get her a brain.

Stupid Selfies Are A Stupid Way To Die
Stupid Selfies Are A Stupid Way To Die .....

In the past few years, 259 'selfie' takers have died, and hundreds more been injured, all in the quest for the stupidist 'selfie' ... frankly they increase the worlds IQ level every time one of them gets killed.


  1. The truth is the last thing on that woman's mind, there's so much wrong with the sign - it's Gish galloping over grammar, common sense, irony and bad taste - their lack of intelligence and critical thinking shines through though.
    As for those selfies, why do I only ever see the knee trembling pictures and not the mess on the pavement? No wonder it continues.

    1. Those mess on the pavement pics are out there but not in the papers in the UK.

      The Western world sanitises death far more than the rest of the world.

    2. Your both obviously making valid points. I don't choose to show the messy endings for selfies gone wrong, because I would have to adult rate the blog, but there are such pictures out there.

      Thanks for the comments.

    3. Perhaps the 'before' pictures should be as adult rated as the 'after' pictures.


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