
Friday 8 March 2019

Stabbing Pain

Margaret Parsons, a 53 year old from St Austell, Cornwall, England has been arrested .....

Knife Wielding Granny .....
Knife Wielding Granny .....

..... charged and imprisoned over a knife stabbing of her 61 year old date (himself an alcoholic), in a row over the TV volume.

She had met him on the website 'Plenty of Fish', and she ended the date by stabbing in in his head and hands as he tried to defend himself. She alleged that the victim bit her and had tried to stab her himself, before she then wrestled the knife off of him and attacked him, stabbing him in the head, face and hands. She said she stopped when he called her son who disarmed her.

Possibly nothing too strange about this if you are living in the world of alcoholics, but that for the fact she had some form for this sort of attack.

In 2014 she was jailed for the stabbing of her then husband while she was drunk. She had told the police that he 'fell on the knife while cutting potatoes' - she was given a 16 month sentence. However she had apparently got the knife fever in this incident, because in 2016, when she had been released from prison, she got another 3.5 years imprisonment for the drunken stabbing of a woman in her flat. This latest stabbing occurred while she was still under licence for that second stabbing.

Its worth recording the judges summing up before sentencing. Judge Simon Carr said:  

‘The circumstances are depressingly familiar, in particular regarding you. On the day in question you’d been drinking to excess with your partner, you were both alcoholics.
‘A minor verbal argument about the volume of the music escalated and it would seem the complainant started the matter. What he did was pick up a knife and started stabbing you in a way intended to annoy you rather than harm you. More worryingly he hit you.'

‘There is no doubt you lost your temper and in the struggle that ensued you gained control of the knife and stabbed him a number of times. When taken by paramedics he had a clump of your hair in his hand. While there was provocation nothing could justify what you did and it is your previous convictions that make sentencing difficult. You were doing well with probation and had been released on licence.’

Her latest sentence? Just 18 months .... apparently she won't be stopped by a really serious sentence, until she's killed someone.

The guidance for those carrying a knife in a crime (knife not used, as that's covered by wounding, manslaughter, assault or murder guidelines), is - Where an offender is convicted of a second (or further) bladed article/ offensive weapon offence the court must impose a mandatory minimum sentence of 6 months’ imprisonment for an adult or 4 months.’

Its little wonder that knife crime is such a problem amongst the ethnic minorities, and even in the wider community ..... in England alone, more than 1,000 youngsters aged 10 to 19 were treated in hospitals for knife woundings last year (2018), according to figures released by the National health Service.


  1. I heard a practical solution to this problem - we stop making knives with points on. I've always found it strange that it's difficult to find one and where there is a choice I've always opted for the one with a rounded end as pointed ones look dangerous and are not needed.

    1. The problem with that solution is that there must be several billion knives with points already in peoples kitchens.

    2. yes, it will only take about 2,000 years ...

  2. Believe it or not, this is my nan. She was at my dads place an hour before this happened. She came to give us kids Christmas gifts. She actually rang my dad all shook up and drunk obviously, My dad was very pissed up to, he had all us kids in the kitchen and once she called he left. When I rang him to see what had been going on he replied with ' I'm being questioned by the police ' That sent his psycho girlfriend through the roof, who continuously swore at my 11 year old brother. I had an idea what had gone on but turns out she lied during the court prosses. When he got back, my dad, he did have blood all over his shoes and my sister, 7, was very disturbed and had nightmares for ages. This caused a lot of difficulty between my mum and dad. My mum clearly didn't want us to see him for a while I and I understood that. He didn't. Honestly If a family member finds this I'm screwed.

    1. Thanks for the comment.

      I think your fairly safe, not many people visit this site generally. This post was only viewed 92 times before your visit, and I'm surprised you even found it.


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