
Friday 1 March 2019

Whale Of A Find

Some times even the experts are mystified ....

Marajo Mangrove Forest Brazil

When a flock of vultures were spotted flying above a decomposing mammal the local biologists raced to the scene at the Island of Marajo in Brazil's north, where the jungle and sea meet.

The found that some 15 metres from the water and even further from open ocean, in a jungle opening, lay a large and very dead 11-metre long juvenile Humpback whale.

Whale Of A Find

They came up with a possible theory for its presence so far in to a mangrove swamp. They believe that the whale may well have been floating close to the shore when one of the abnormally high tide, that have occurred the area in recent weeks, picked it up and threw it, or stranded it far inland .... but they admit that this would still be unusual.

However, this was not the only mystery, as they were also baffled as to what a humpback whale was doing on the north coast of Brazil during February, because this is also a very unusual occurrence, as humpback whales usually don't travel to the north at this time of year.

Some have speculated that the whale was already dead, and the very high and unusual tides carried it into the mangrove forest ..... still it makes for an unusual picture, and a nice little post.


  1. It makes for a nice meal for the scavengers too!

    1. Absolutely .... a part from the whale of course.


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