
Friday 31 May 2019

Sociology Bull Shit

In England and Wales the average rate of teen pregnancies per 1,000 girls in the year to December 2017 was 17.9

Worst Teen Pregnancy Hotspots - Labours Legacy

In Middlesbrough, there were 43.8 teen pregnancies per 1,000 girls in the year to December 2017. The next highest rate was in St Helens in Merseyside, with 37.1 pregnancies per 1,000 teenagers.

What can one say? ..... looking at the list of worst teen pregnancy areas, its bloody obvious that once again its a lot of Labour council hotspots. Places where sixty five years or more of Labour Party socialism control has produced .... well, next to no change. Depressing areas, where life aspirations are virtually nothing for those who stay. Area where the best a girl can often hope for, is to get pregnant at 16 (if she can hang on that long), just like her mother, grandmother, and probably given the age they start popping babies, her great grandmother as well, and then get put on the waiting list for a council flat, and probably a life time on welfare benefits.

How anyone can ever try and argue to me that voting Labour, decade after decade, has ever done one bit of good for these 'working class' areas, is beyond me. Actually to describe them as working class is a misnomer, as mostly these are areas where unemployment is higher than the national average, and jobs are poor quality, and many haven't worked for several generations.

Prams In Middlesbrough - Not An Uncommon Sight

Over 15 years ago the UK government launched its Teenage Pregnancy Strategy, after we had consistently had the worst teen pregnancy rates in Europe for a couple of decades. It was spectacularly successful, bringing down the rates of under-18 conception rate by 60 per cent, and the proportion of teenage mothers in education and training also doubled. 

However, in the 'Labour' (pun intended) heartlands, the teen pregnancy rates actually went up. For instance in Middlesbrough over the two years from 2015 to 2017, it jumped from 36.5 to 43.8 - a rise of 20 per cent. The reasons for this are fairly obviously a poverty of aspiration, a history of teen pregnancy in the family, and the sort of supportive crap for this sort of behaviour that only sociologists can come up with. All self perpetuating factors that support this as a way of life.

A Durham University professor of sociology said: "We need to stop accepting the middle-class life trajectory as the 'right' way for young people, especially women, to live their lives. The school to university to career to house to marriage to children isn't possible or desirable for all young women, yet those who take a different route through life are positioned as irresponsible, or as having somehow failed."

"Teenage pregnancy is understood as a death knell for any kind of career success rather than acknowledging that post-16 education and careers are still available for women in their 30s or 40s when their children are grown up and they have time to start a new career." 

.......Yeah, that's gonna really help in Middlesbrough. ....

Now look at how many of these girls are actually likely to go on and start professional careers after they start having babies as teens .... or even in their 30's or 40's. Middlesbrough, has a jobless rate of almost 15% according to a study by the GMB union, which found that the unemployment level in Middlesbrough stands at 14.4%. The North East generally also had the highest regional
unemployment rate at 9.9%, with a total of 122,200 people out of work, compared with the UK rate of 7.8%.

Of course this inst the only interpretation of the figures, but when added to the fact that Middlesbrough has a statistic that no area wants - its Britain’s suicide capital. The suicide rate in the town is over 70% higher than the national average. The Tees Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) data, shows those who do kill themselves are, statistically, likely to be single men who live alone and are unemployed.

The unemployment and suicide figures tell of the real world these teen girls live in, not the BS of a middle-class Sociology professor.


  1. "The only possible conclusion the social sciences can draw is: some do, some don’t."
    - Ernest Rutherford (1871-1937)

    1. Good Quote. I have long held the view that social sciences, along with psychiatry have a large element of quackery in them. At best they have some validity within western culture .... but fail when faced with immigrant ethnicities whose motivations and drivers are not the same as those from native European culture.

      The evidence for this is the disproportionate number of black young adult attackers and victims in the knife killing plague in London, or, the complete unpredictability of who is going to turn into an Islamic terrorist in the Asian immigrant communities.

      There are other examples such as mental health issues, but maybe for another posting.

      Thanks for the comment Vroomfondel.


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